Page 16 of Taming Mr. Smith

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I turn everything into chaos, her name the only thing on my lips and blood is pounding so hard in my ears by the time I’m up in the attic that I barely hear the whimper on the other side.

“Chanelle!” I bellow, tugging on the doorknob but it’s locked.

“I’m in here!” she says in a high pitched voice and relief floods me. She’s here. She’s safe.

“Step away from the door,” I urge, immediately sobering up. “I’m going to kick it in.” When she lets me know she’s out of harm’s way, I bust down the door.

“Nell?” I say, my head turning frantically like an animal as I search for her. She steps out of the shadows, her white dress contrasting against her fiery hair. She’s not wearing any makeup, her brows and lashes still fair, skin clean except for a slick of red lipstick on her sensitive mouth.

Beautiful. Unharmed.

“I’m here,” she whispers, before throwing herself at me and I squeeze her body, almost crushing her. Her lower lip quivers. “I didn’t think you’d find me.”

“Who locked you in here?” I rasp, clasping her face in my hands. “Who was it? Tell me and I’ll have them executed before dawn. Tell me and I’ll order a motherfucking custom made guillotine from Sweden and have it delivered next thing...”

“Nobody locked me in here,” she murmurs quickly to my surprise but her voice is too soft and her palms brush my chest to soothe my frenzy. “The door locked on its own.”

Hugging her to me, I’m calmed by the feel of her giving flesh. “Then there will be no locks on any room in this manor, anymore.”

Peering up at me, she murmurs, “That’s a little excessive, don’t you think...?”

“I need to take action to not let this happen again. Security said they’d searched the manor but that they couldn’t find you. Now you go and lay down in your bed and rest and I’ll go have all of them fired.”

“Is that really necessary...” she begins but I cut her off.

“It’s necessary. Fuck, am I going to make them suffer for this...”

“Mycroft!” Nell blurts and I stop myself. Hell, I hearing her say my name. “D...don’t you have something more important to take care of?”

I frown. “What could be more important than to teach the people who have failed you a lesson?”

Her lips form into a rosebud. “I don’t know. Maybe claiming my i...innocence?”



His skin pales before his eyes darken. “Little girl...,” he rasps in a thick voice, looking like midnight itself in his dark suit. “You know how to make this part of me ache.” He puts my hand on his wildly beating heart. “I hoped you’d be untouched, drove myself crazy with it...”

Shushing him I whisper, “Nobody has been where you’ll be. It’s all yours.”

“Say that again,” he says in a black voice that makes me shiver and I clutch his shoulders.

“It’s all yours.”

He lets out a pained hiss. “Don’t want to fuck my innocent girl in an attic,” he says before scooping me up and I jerk in surprise at how strong he is. Luckily his bedroom is not far from the attic and he drops me on his bed. Bouncing on the mattress, I bury my face in his sheets and they smell like him.

Masculine musk, midnight and power. And that gingerbread scent that I recognize from his aftershave.

Curving his finger at me, he makes me come closer, his hands sliding down my body and taking my dress off. I flush at the way he looks at me in my high heels and the underwear that he chose, his gaze lingering on my erect nipples that strain against the gauzy material.

He swallows so hard that his Adam’s apple bobbles and for a second he looks lost, like all this time he’s been wandering through a jungle only to find Eldorado. This man knows treasures and yet he looks like he for the first time in his life has actually seen one.

Letting out a moan, I spread my thighs and he curses at the sight of my protected slit, his fingers hooking in my lace and he takes them off, sliding them down my legs.

They’re so stained it makes me want to hide them, but when I reach for them he keeps them out of my grasp.

Looking down at me, he holds them up with an obsessive look in his eyes. “I’ll give you anything you want in the world, princess but not these. These are mine, your little virgin panties aren’t ever getting washed.”
