Page 59 of Sexual Healing

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“Oh, man,” he said, scratching his neck. “No way.”

She closed her eyes and ran her tongue around her lips. “It’s so cold. It’s moving down lower.”

“I’m going to come,” he whispered.

They laughed out loud, grinning at each other. “I have so much fun with you,” Laura said. “It should be against the law.”

“I’m definitely going to have to fuck you before the day is over.”

The waiter arrived with their meals, so they had to stop, but the mood was set as they continued teasing, describing what they were going to do to each other when they got home later.

“Will, is it you?”

Their heads snapped around to find where the female voice came from. A tall, slender middle-aged woman with shoulder-length gray hair, wearing a black knit dress and Birkenstocks, approached their table.


She was accompanied by an older, stocky man wearing jeans and a chambray shirt, like he was coming from a construction site, taking a lunch break.

Looking at the players, Laura was more interested in Will’s response. He sort of reared back, shocked, his mouth hanging open. She wondered if he’d stand, what the next thing would be, and it was like time stood still for a moment.

Finally, Janice spoke. “I didn’t recognize you.”

She wisely didn’t say why; he’d admitted to Laura that he’d lost about twenty-five pounds since his ex walked out on him.

“Oh, this is my fiancée,” he said, nodding toward Laura, pride busting out all over him. “Laura Long.”

“Hi, Laura. This is Mitch, my husband.”

Laura smiled a big smile, feeling young and beautiful.

Mitch stayed mute, for which Laura was grateful, her ears still ringing at thefiancéecomment. Will didn’t acknowledge him.

“Well, we’ll let you get back to your meal. I just wanted to say hello.”

Will just nodded at her. There was nothing to say. They turned and walked away.

“Nowhere is safe anymore, it seems.”

“Fiancée? Where did that come from?”

“Because you’re more than a girlfriend, okay? You’re the love of my life, but that sounds weird coming from a guy who’s almost fifty years old.”

“Aw, Will, I love you so much. So that was Janice.”

She thought,Bow wow.

“That was her. What did you think of Mitch?”

“I love Mitch. Because of Mitch, you’re mine now. Screw Janice. I can see she upset you.”

“It’s not that. She doesn’t mean a thing to me. But it pisses me off that we were having a fun lunch and she moved in like that.”

“I hope she was reading your lips.”

“Ha! I never thought of that.” He bunched up his napkin. “I lost my appetite.”

“Oh no! Mine is back with a vengeance. Take a drink. That will help you relax.”
