Page 95 of Sexual Healing

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In the limo, they did work on the way into the city, hoping to get a running start so they could meet for lunch later. As per routine, they went to Sandra’s office first. He leaned in as she packed up her briefcase.

“Thank you again for last night. I’ll be thinking about it all day,” he whispered.

“There will be an encore tonight, to help you sleep,” she replied in a soft voice, smiling, then giving him a peck on the cheek. “Love you, Andy.”

He nodded, grabbing her arm. “I love you, too.”

The men watched her enter the building, pulling her files along with her, and when she was inside, they pulled away from the curb. In minutes, Damon arrived at the district attorney’s office.

As Andy was packing his briefcase up, Damon cleared his throat. “Looks like someone’s waiting for you.”

Looking out the window, Andy’s heart sank. “Oh, Christ.” It was the mayor. “Don’t get out, Damon.”

“Yes, sir.”

Grant Johansson had been lingering outside the brass and glass doors, waiting for the DA, when he saw the car pull up. It was unfamiliar, except he remembered seeing Roman getting out of it earlier in the week. It was the new girlfriend’s car and driver.

“Grant,” Andy said, nodding in his direction.

“We need to talk, my man.”

Cringing, Andy hated it when Grant started out a conversation withmy man, although it was infinitely better thanI have a bone to pick with you, orwhere do you get off?

“What is it today?”

“I understand the grand jury returned a no bill.” The grand jury had voted against an indictment.

“That’s correct,” Andy said, pushing the revolving door and stepping in.

The mayor picked up where he’d left off before the door. “Are you going to move forward with a trial?”

“Not this time, Grant. I agree with the grand jury. There’s not the evidence for an indictment.”

“Why’d you waste the taxpayers’ money?” he asked in a soft voice.

“We owed it to the victim,” Andy said.

They’d reached the DA’s private elevator.

“We’re both up for reelection in two years. Your progressive reform platform is going to be your undoing, Andy.”

The elevator arrived, and the operator held the door. “Going up?” Andy asked.

“Think about what your constituents want.”

“I’m committed to issues of social justice,” Andy replied, stepping in the elevator car.

“Rethink that indictment,” Grant said, taking a step back, but the expression on his face was unmistakably threatening.

Grinning when the doors closed, Grant had no idea Andy was thinking seriously about running for mayor, which would be in opposition to Grant Johansson.

The door opened onto his private floor. His assistant handed him a pile of messages that needed his attention, but all he wanted to do was to call Sandra and tell her about the confrontation with the mayor.

At his desk, he got out his cell phone and sent Sandra a text.How much of my day-to-day BS do you want to hear?

In seconds, she answered,All of it.

He smiled, relieved, and answered,Gird your loins.
