Page 2 of Stiletto Sins

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Obsidian and Blackhawk had been my blind spots. They made me feel like I belonged, and I hadn't felt that in years. If only it all hadn’t gone so wrong. There was too much damage now, too many sins on my hands to just brush it all off.

No, I needed to make a stand, and that started with taking him down. No one made a fool of me and got to pretend like it hadn’t happened. Blackhawk would rue the day he made me his enemy. We’d see who was laughing when it was all said and done.

Fire filled my veins, a scorching sense of righteousness accompanied by a need to mete out my own justice.

But as Officer Friendly listed all the charges they could bring against me, a sickening feeling developed in my stomach and I wondered who I even was anymore. I hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. Wherehadit all gone so wrong?

As the lights flashed against the dark night on the drive toward the police station, through my fingerprints being taken, and my mug shot, I tuned out all the thoughts and feelings and focused on one thing, and one thing only—revenge.

It would have to do for now.




Asa’s fingerspumped inside me, filling me with pleasure, and I knew that we wouldn’t stop this time. My hand gripped his cock, and I dragged my hand down, feeling how hard he was. Peering into his eyes, I saw the need reflected there, and I nodded, glad that we seemed to be on the same page. He reached over with his free hand, grabbing a condom, and I watched as he tore it open, sliding it on. It truly was a marvel to behold, and I was sad it might be the only time I got to see it.

Part of me hated what I was doing, but the other part of me, the one that had come to rule more often than not recently, relished in the dark ecstasy of our actions. It felt right that the first time we made love would be the day I was planning to leave.

“You sure? You’re ready?” he asked, stopping at my entrance as he stared down at me.

“I’m ready. I want this.” I pulled his face down, kissing him as I wrapped my legs around him. Asa braced his arms above me, stopping himself from entering me.

“I want to see your face,” he said, pulling back, looking me deep in the eyes. Sucking in a breath, I nodded, staring back at him.

Slowly, oh, so slowly, he began to push in. Asa watched my every reaction, ready to stop this if it was too much. But I knew there was no way I was letting him stop.

It might seem weird that my boyfriend of almost eight months and I were just now having sex, but it wasn’t from a lack of trying. At first, he’d wanted to hold off, making sure we really knew one another, and then there had been the kidnapping. But once we’d crossed every base multiple times, I was going insane.

The first time we tried was a disaster. Quickly followed by the second, third, and fourth. I wondered if I’d permanently scarred my boyfriend when he hadn’t tried again for almost two months.

But here we were, attempt number I didn’t even remember, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it would work. It had to because I was out of time.

“You okay?” he asked, and I nodded, smoothing my hands over his hair.

“Yeah, I’m great. Don’t stop.”

Asa nodded, pushing in a little further, and I used my feet to push on his amazing buns of steel, propelling him even deeper into me. Once he was seated, we both let out a sigh of relief.

Peering down into my eyes, he brushed his thumb across my cheek. “Ready?” He smiled, a giddy excitement taking over. There wouldn’t be any disruptions, family emergencies, illnesses, or broken beds to stop us this time. No, this morning, we would cross that line in our relationship, and then I would break his heart.

Bit morbid there, self.

Closing my eyes, I couldn’t think about what I was doing this evening; I just wanted to focus on this moment between us now. It was selfish of me, but if Asa didn’t forgive me, I wanted to have one experience of sex with him. As he began to pull out and push back in, I wondered if I just liked to punish myself.

Because losing this would be akin to torture.

“Fudge, you feel good,” I heaved, my breath coming out in a moan that even I was impressed by. Asa smiled his million-dollar smile, and butterflies erupted, my core tingling with need.

“I could say the same, but you sound so much cuter saying it.”

Sticking out my tongue, I soon forgot my annoyance at him as he rolled back into me, his pelvic bone rubbing right against my clit. Arching my back, I pressed my boobs into him, the sensitive peaks brushing against his hard pecs. Moaning, my head fell back as I enjoyed the sensations.

“Yes, fuck, Finley, you feel more amazing than I even imagined. I knew this would be everything.”

My perfect boyfriend leaned back, lifting my hips as he upped his pace, thrusting in and out of me quicker. I stared up at his perfect physique, getting wet at how hot he was. Blonde hair, green eyes, and tanned muscles from hockey were all on display as he lost himself in me.
