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He’d surprised her yet again. The last thing she’d expected was his ready acceptance of her ultimatum.

He tucked her against his side and started walking. Paxton had the uncomfortable feeling that she’d been sidelined. The damn man had played her like a fiddle. She felt like the bait which had been caught in his trap— hook, line, and sinker.

“That was low, Bates.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lee.”

“Of course you don’t,” she mumbled as they broke through the thicket. “It seems Miss Kunz loves the sun. She’s still at the poolside,” she said as the house they’d been heading for came into view.

“I’ve seen her in a bikini shot in a sports magazine. A tan like that takes long hours in the sun.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he kissed her. “I much prefer your natural skin color, little one,” he said. The kiss ended much too soon for Paxton’s liking. His lips were quickly becoming addictive.

His smile widened as he caught the gaze of a beautiful young woman on the pool lounger. “Morning, neighbor,” he called as he guided Paxton up the short flight of stairs. “I apologize for the intrusion but the moment we heard there was a new tenant we just had to pop over to welcome you to the neighborhood.”

“You’re not intruding,” Mia said as she leaned forward to proffer a hand. “I’m Mia Kunz,” she purred to Jared. Her eyes slid to Paxton minus the courtesy.

A little devil on Paxton’s shoulder urged her on. She stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Poppy Simms and this is my husband, William.”

Mia was forced to shake her hand, which she did with a limp clasp. Paxton bit back a smile. She’d seen how Mia caressed Jared’s palm before she’d relaxed her grip.

“Poppy? Is that a nickname?” Mia asked as she got up, arranging her lithe form into a seductive pose with one hand low on her hip and the other caressing her thigh. All aimed at drawing Jared’s eyes to her charms on display in a skimpy white bikini.

“No,” Paxton shrugged. “My mother was a nature lover. Poppies were her favorite flower.” She leaned closer and whispered, “Although my dad told me she actually gave me the name because I was conceived in a poppy field.”

“How quaint.” The smile on Mia’s face was forced at best but her eyes turned sparkly as she looked at Jared. “William on the other hand is such a strong name.” She licked her lips as she moved her hips to and fro.

Paxton was hard pressed not to roll her eyes at the obvious attempt to seduce Jared. It said much about the Swiss model’s character. Maybe her instincts were wrong and she was nothing more than an opportunistic young woman.

“Family name,” Jared said shortly. He lifted the basket. “We brought lunch... that is if you’d like to share it with us?”

“How neighborly of you.” She gestured toward the luxurious garden set. “I’d love to have lunch with you. Shall we?”

Paxton smirked as she watched her preceding them, hips swaying elaborately; she tossed her hair with every step she took. Miss Mia Kunz was a siren on a pair of never-ending legs. No wonder Bastian Conti offered her a home where he could visit her at his heart’s content. She peeked at Jared. His eyes were glued on her tight ass and swaying hips. No surprise there! He wouldn’t be a hot-blooded man if he didn’t appreciate the view.

“Careful not to trip over your tongue, Bates,” she said under her breath.

“Beauty should be appreciated but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to pounce on her. She’s young enough to be my daughter.” His gaze glimmered with appreciation as he looked her over. She was pure seduction in a strapless sundress. “You, on the other hand—”

“Is there a problem?” Mia watched them with interest.

“No problem. My wife just scolded me because I forgot a corkscrew.” Jared placed the basket on the table and smiled ruefully. “I tend to be a little distracted at times.”

“Well, no need to be concerned Mrs. Simms. I’ll fetch one from the kitchen.” She stopped a couple of steps away. “Shall I get glasses and plates as well?”

“No need. Those I remembered.” She returned Jared’s smile with a sensual wink before she disappeared.

“What was that? An invitation to join her in the kitchen for a quickie?” Paxton opened the basket and started to unpack it. “Could the woman be more obvious?”

“Do I detect a spark of jealousy, Mrs. Lee?”

Paxton snorted but took care to avoid his eyes. “Dream on. I’m not the jealous type. I’m just wondering what her agenda is with Bastian if she’s so eager to spark your interest.”

“I do believe it’s only my libido she’s interested in setting alight.”

“I’d have to concur with you on that.”

“Here we go,” Mia said in a chirpy voice as she returned seconds later. “Please, sit down.”

Jared opened the bottle of wine before he took a seat next to Paxton. His hand landed on her thigh like it was the most natural thing to do— all pretense of course but it felt so intimate and possessive that Paxton basked in the warm feeling wrapping around her mind.
