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He frowned at her as his breath stuttered in his chest. “I told you not to move.”

“I didn’t,” she said with a cheeky grin, “but you didn’t say anything aboutthosemuscles.”

“Hmm... well, they better start behaving too. This is a serious matter.”

Paxton released her breath in an elaborate exhale. She threw caution to the wind and wound her arms around his neck.

“Shoot. I’m all ears.”

“I know we’ve only known each other for three or four months. I’m also cognizant of the fact that our relationship is very new and we’re still getting to know each other. Part of our commitment was to open our hearts... which we have. I’m still in awe of how quickly our love has bloomed. I’m usually a patient man; my past forced me to be but in this, I refuse to waste time. I want more than a commitment of love from you, Paxton. I’m not asking for a date in a couple of months but I need your answer now.”

He took a deep breath. His eyes glimmered like liquid gold.

“I got married once for the wrong reasons. I never believed I would ever want to again but now there’s you. I want nothing more than to call you my wife. Paxton Lee, will you be that for me? Marry me and be my wife... in the future sometime?”

Paxton stared at him with teary eyes. It was as if the heat of his love cloaked her heart through sheer will.

“I was in the same boat as you, Jared. I had a happy life with Rex and I never thought I’d ever find a love like that again... and then you came into my life. You bowled me over. I’m still shaken at how fast I fell for you but one thing I don’t doubt for a second, is that I do love you, deeply and with all of my heart. You are so much more than I ever expected. For one, I didn’t think of marriage at first but now...”

She stroked his jaw. “You, Jared Bates, are the hero I didn’t see coming. My knight in shining armor. Yes, Jared, I will marry you... sometime in the future.”

“That makes me a very happy man, little one. Now... how about we commence with this feast you’ve prepared for us?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Paxton soon became lost in his raw passion that was in such contrast to the gentle touch of his hands and the promise of unbound pleasure in his eyes. He was a man of such contradictions. A powerful Dom who at times was the most generous and tender lover... a switch that suited the moment to perfection.

The world fell away as they indulged in the unbound lust fed by the instant chemistry that had drawn them together from first glance.

Afterward, their breathing laborious, he pulled her into his arms and cuddled her against his chest, cherishing her essence that flowed unfettered into him.

“I think I’m going to demand many midnight snacks from now on,” he rasped as he kissed her slowly.

The caress of his lips wrapped her in a cocoon of warmth, reigniting the passion and need that was bred many months ago.

“I daresay, I might just be the same way inclined,” she lilted with a sleepy smile.

It took a long time for their breathing to return to normal. Paxton was drifting off to sleep when his deep voice whispered in her ear.

“On the other hand... I’ve never been a fan of the word sometime. How about we put a definite date to that future marriage?”

“Now you’re talking my language, Commander!”

The End
