Page 133 of Twisted Game

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“Look at yourself,Solnyshka.”

Malice is still standing at the end of the couch, and the command in his voice draws my attention.

I look at my body, my gaze moving downward from where I can see my newly tattooed chest shake with the force of my heartbeats. There are fingerprints on my hips, and white, frothy cum is smeared between my legs, tinted pink from the slight bit of blood that must’ve come from Ransom taking my virginity.

I’m a mess. I look filthy and wrong. I’ve never been so sticky before, never had anyone’s cum on me.Inme.

But I feel… good.

As if something inside me has cracked open, leaving me a different person.

Ransom leans in closer to me as his brothers loom above us, running his fingers through my hair gently. He tilts my face up to meet his, his eyes warm and bright. When he leans in to kiss me upside down, I meet him halfway, savoring the softness of the gesture after everything that’s happened tonight.

“You did good, pretty girl,” he whispers against my lips. “So fucking good.”



I wakeup the next morning with Ransom’s arm thrown over me, his body tucked in behind mine in the bed.

Everything feels warm and hazy, and I drift in the comfortable space between sleep and waking, letting my eyes stay closed as I breathe deeply.

It takes a few minutes for my brain to fully switch on, and I blink as the events of last night come flooding back to me. All of it plays out in my head in vivid color and sound, and I feel my cheeks flushing just from the memories.

The food, the teasing, the tattoo talk. And then… everything else.

It almost feels like a dream, like something that happened to someone else. But I know it was me. I have the headache from too much booze and not enough water to show for it, and my chest is sore from where Malice tattooed me. And that’s not the only place that’s sore.

When I stretch in the bed, my pussy aches lightly, tender and swollen from the pounding it took last night. I shift a little and hiss in pain, my body protesting the movement. It’s a quiet noise, but it’s enough to disturb my bed partner all the same. He yawns and stretches, and when his arm moves from where it was thrown over me, I feel a little pang of disappointment, missing his touch already.

Ransom rolls me onto my back, going up on one elbow so that he can look down at me. He’s always so handsome like this, with sleep ruffled hair and lines on his cheek from the pillow, and there’s already a smile tucked into the corner of his mouth.

“Are you okay?” he asks, looking me over.

I nod. “Yeah. Just a little tender from… you know.”

His smile grows, and he reaches down, sliding his hand beneath the oversized shirt I’m wearing to cup his palm over the mound of my pussy. He massages it gently, working the outside of it while his middle finger slips between my folds and finds my clit with ease.

He’s not trying to work me up, but the feeling of his hand sliding against me makes my body react immediately, my core getting wet and my nipples going hard and tight.

I take a deep breath, letting the feeling wash over me, and it does do something to ease the achiness a little, even if I am still sore.

“Is that any better?” he asks.

“A little bit. I think it’s just going to take some time. It was…” I blush, glancing away from him. “It was the first time I’ve ever done anything like that.”

Ransom chuckles, dropping his head a bit to skim his nose over my temple. “Honestly, pretty girl? I would never have guessed that if I hadn’t already known. You’re a natural, and you’re fucking stunning when you let yourself go.”

The praise goes to my head, just like it did last night, and I find myself smiling back at Ransom, a giddy feeling expanding inside my chest.

He withdraws his hand from between my legs and brushes my hair back from my face. The strands are still a bit wild and messy from last night, since I haven’t showered. I cleaned up with a wash cloth afterward, but I was too tired to do anything else.

“You know, when you first came to stay with us, we all agreed we weren’t going to fuck you,” he says, running his fingers through a small tangle in my hair.

“Why?” I ask, biting my lower lip.

“We didn’t want to complicate things. We were supposed to be focusing on finding out who was asking questions about Nikolai’s death and keeping you out of that person’s hands. If we’d fucked you, you would have gotten under our skin.”
