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“He’s so fucked now,” Knox says, practically cackling with excitement. “He spent all that time kissing ass when he got there, and now those same people will know he’d rather be kissing his sister’s ass.”

“That’s gross, Knox,” Ash groans, making a face and miming throwing up. “Fucking foul. That video was... a lot.”

“It was a good video,” Gage puts in. “Not the content, obviously, but the footage you got. Good job, Knox.”

The big man beams. “It was almost worth it to have to watch all that shit just for this moment.” He twists around in the passenger seat to look at me. “Are you happy, little fox?”

I grin at him, letting it be the monstrous one that we share sometimes. “I just wish I could be in there to see him losing his shit. I bet he’s falling apart.”

“Maybe he’ll run,” Ash suggests. “I mean, what else is he going to do? There’s no way to explain himself, and they’re not going to want him to stick around after seeing that.”

We keep our eyes glued on the house, watching for signs of people coming and going.

“Probably not,” I agree. “I can’t imagine he’ll stick around long.”

“He’s going to have to go into damage control mode,” Gage says. He sounds thoughtful, thinking like a businessman trying to recover, probably. “There’s not much he can do to save face, but he’ll try to salvage this. He has to if he wants to get anywhere.”

And we’ll be there to make sure there’s nothing left to salvage. I love that.

A little while later, Julian comes out of the house. He’s obviously reeling with emotions, rage practically radiating from him. His hands are balled into fists, and he stomps his way over to the valet.

There’s a short exchange, and it looks like Julian is a second away from cussing the man out. The valet holds up his hands and goes to get Julian’s car. A few minutes go by, and the valet comes back, without the car.

He looks anxious, and he keeps his distance as he appears to explain to Julian what happened.

Julian immediately flies into a rage at the man, yelling and waving his hands in his face.

From next to me, Ash mimics what he thinks Julian is saying in a voice that makes him sound like a cartoon villain. “Do you have any idea who I am? Do you know how much I’m worth? You fucker! You idiot! You buffoon!”

“Yes, sir,” Knox says back, mimicking the valet, making him sound tired and fed up with this shit. “You’re the guy who loves banging his sister, aren’t you?”

We burst out laughing at that, watching as Julian stomps a little ways away and pulls his phone out to make a call.

“Oh, perfect,” Ash says. He pulls out a little black speaker looking device. “Now we can hear the rest of his breakdown.”

He presses a button and we listen as the call connects. Before the person on the other end of the call can even say anything, Julian is already yelling.

“I need you to get down here and bring me a car now!” he snaps.

“Sir?” the man on the line says. “What happened to the—”

“I don’t pay you to ask fucking questions!” Julian bellows, pissed and taking it out on this guy. “I pay you to do what the fuck I say. Bring me a goddamn car!”

The man just sighs and says he’ll be there as soon as he can. There’s a resignation to his voice that makes it pretty clear that Julian treats everyone below him like shit, and this is a regular thing when he gets pissed off.

Probably they haven’t seen him this mad before though.

It takes about twenty or so minutes for the man and the car to show up, pulling up to the front of the house. Julian gets in and slams the door so hard we hear it from where we’re parked. They don’t linger, driving away in a hurry.

Knox starts the car we’re in, and we follow them. While Knox drives, I change shoes, leaving my dress on but swapping the heels for shoes I can actually move in for this next phase of our plan. Gage pulls a bag out from under his seat and passes it around, giving us all ski masks to wear as well.

We tug on the masks and stay at a safe distance, listening through the little device as Julian calls Natalie to tell her what happened.

“What the fuck do you mean they all saw it?” she asks, her voice going high and shrill.

“Just what I said!” Julian snaps. “It was playing on the TV there, and everyone was just standing around watching it.”

“But how did they find out? How did they get that footage?”
