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“I don’t fucking know!” he explodes. “I don’t know. But it’s fucked. It’s bad, Nat. That fucking bitch said she told the FBI about the accounts. They’re going to be poking around, trying to find that money.”

I’m not even mad about him talking about me like that. It’s just too good to hear him losing his shit.

“Shit,” Natalie swears. “Fucking goddammit, Julian. We have to do something. We have to move the money before they can find it. If this all comes crashing down, that’s all we’ll have left.”

“I know. I fucking know, okay? I’ll handle it. I’ll take care of it.”

“You’d better!”

He hangs up with her, and then calls someone else, making a quick and almost frantic demand to have the money moved out of the offshore account it’s been in.

“Which account do you want to move it from?” the woman on the other end asks in an almost robotic voice.

“Oh shit,” Ash whispers, even though there’s no way they can hear us. “This is it. Someone get this.”

Priest already has his phone out with the notes app open, ready to take down the numbers as they’re read out.

This is what we’ve been waiting for. Julian starts to read out the account numbers and Priest takes them down. As soon as we have them, he sends a message to Harv, who will use the account numbers to intercept the money and reroute it to a different account—one set up in my name.

Instead of Julian sheltering his money, we’ll steal it all.

Savage joy and pleasure fills me when Priest’s phone buzzes and he looks down at it and then over at me.

“It’s done,” he says. “We got it.”

That was the last thing we needed Julian for. He had to be alive to be the one to initiate the transfer so we could steal all of his money.

Now that that’s done, there’s no reason for him to be alive anymore.

This is the part I’ve especially been waiting for. The part where I get to make Julian fucking Maduro feel all the pain and suffering that he’s inflicted. Where I get to look him in the eye as I kill him and make sure he knows that he brought this on himself and that he deserves every single fucking thing that’s happened to him.

“Knox,” Gage says, his voice serious. “Step on it. Let’s take this fucker down.”
