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He’s talking about the time Hannah and I were held captive.

Talking about it like he was apartof it somehow, or at least knows all about it.

Behind me, I hear a low growl from one of the guys. Knox.

“How do you…” My mouth is dry, and I have to force the words out. “How do you know about that?”

My heart is racing, thrumming so fast that I can feel the flutter of my pulse in my throat. Gray spots tinge the edges of my vision, but I shove back the memories that try to resurface at the reminder of my time held captive with Hannah. I can’t afford to get lost in that darkness right now.

I need to keep my wits about me, to stay sharp and calm.

Alec waves a hand, shrugging smoothly. “Over the years, I’ve orchestrated hundreds of deals like that. Little sheep, innocent girls, taken as debts owed or transgressions that need to be atoned for. It’s one of the ways the Kyrio society helps maintain order in Detroit. A very effective tactic, I’ve found.”

He narrows his eyes, squinting at me as he talks, like he’s still trying to figure me out. It’s the only emotion he’s showing in all of this—his sick fascination with me.

“In all that time,” he continues. “I’ve never seen any of them do what you did. Rise above it all and become something sharper, stronger. Most of them simply... crack under the pressure of it all.”

My heart almost stops as I process his words.

Orchestrated hundreds of deals…

Oh. Fuck.

Hewas the one who’s responsible for me being taken as punishment for my dad’s sins. He’s the reason Hannah and I were snatched up and used and abused by six violent, cruel men. He might not have been there, torturing and hurting us, but he’s as complicit as Ivan, Lorenzo, and the rest were. And what’s worse is that he clearly doesn’t give a shit about anything he’s done, talking about setting young girls up to be held captive without a care in the world for how it affects them.

He ripped my life away from me.

He ripped Hannah away from me.

For a split second, all I can feel is rage. Just pure, all-consuming anger. It’s like the grudge I held against those six men and Julian combined, flaring up in me and making me want to claw this fucker’s heart out with my bare hands.

I can hear my own breathing, harsh in my ears, and my heart races with the adrenaline that’s surging through my veins.

But as if he can see that I’m about to throw myself in the path of a dozen bullets just to get my hands around his throat, Alec smiles again, holding up a hand.

“Relax. I have a deal for you,” he says, his voice as cool and even as ever—as if he hasn’t just turned my world upside down with one confession. “Everything in the past can be water under the bridge between us. You’ll forgive and let go of the part where I orchestrated your captivity, and I’ll give you a chance to join the most influential organization in Detroit. Or, I can kill you. All of you.”

My stomach rolls.

The way he says it makes it clear he doesn’t really care one way or another. He has his sick interest in me, but he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot me right here and drop my body in the water along with Carter’s.

Gage, Priest, Ash, and Knox wouldn’t let that happen without a fight, and they’d all end up dead too.

It would be just another night for Alec Beckham, I bet.

I don’t want to have to make this choice, but I don’t see any other option. He’s not going to let us walk away without agreeing to his deal, and I want to get out of here alive.

I wantallof us to get out of here alive.

Licking my lips, I drag in a deep breath. It feels like I’m choking on glass, but I get ready to force out the words to agree to his bargain. To give him what he wants.

But I should’ve known that would be too fucking easy.

Alec speaks again before I can say anything.

“Of course, I’ll need proof that you’re prepared to be loyal to the society,” he says. “A toll must be paid before you can join. You have to prove yourself.”

I don’t know what more he could possibly want from me. I hate this man and everything he stands for, and the idea of forgetting about what he put into motion for me and my sister is almost impossible. I’m always going to hate him, even if I do agree to join his society. Killing Julian should have been enough to prove I can do whatever needs to be done, but apparently, he wants more.
