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I lift my chin, staring at him almost defiantly, waiting for him to tell me what the fuck he wants.

Alec’s condescending smile doesn’t waver, and he shifts his gaze away from me for just a second, taking in the sight of the four men flanking me.

“You need to shoot one of these men,” he says finally. “One of your Kings of Chaos. To kill, of course.”

What the fuck?

My blood runs cold with horror. Of all the things he could have asked for, I was not expecting that. There’s no way I can do it.

I shake my head, feeling numb and desperate.

“Are you fucking crazy? No. I can’t—I can’t do that,” I tell him, the words stumbling off my tongue, jerky and staccato. “No.”

There has to be another way out of this, but my rattled mind isn’t coming up with anything. Nothing that doesn’t end with us dead, anyway. Even if I could somehow manage to take out Alec, his men have us surrounded. There’s no fucking way we could get away from them all without one or more of us getting shot dead.

Finally, the disconcerting smile drops from Alec’s face, but it’s replaced by angry disappointment. He shakes his head, making a tsking noise like I’m a naughty child that he caught with her hands in the cookie jar.

“Saying no isn’t really an option here, little lamb,” he says. “If you say no, then I’ll kill them all anyway. Including you. Think about this before you do something you won’t live to regret.”

I turn to look at the four men who flank me, searching their faces—hoping one of them has some idea, some plan that we can use to get away from all of this.

But there’s nothing.

I come up with nothing over and over again, and judging from the strained looks on all of their faces, they don’t have anything either.

Then Gage steps toward me. One of Alec’s men makes a move when Gage moves, but he doesn’t attack.

“River,” Gage murmurs, his voice soft. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay.”

I frown, trying to figure out what fucking part of this is okay. We’re trapped in a sick game with a man who holds all the cards. A man who just killed someone, and who had no qualms about sending me and my sister into the lion’s den years ago. I have no doubt that Alec could shoot each one of us between the eyes and sleep soundly tonight, so I can’t see how we can talk our way out of this or fight our way out.

I don’t seeanyway out without someone dying.

Gage’s gun is still in his hand, hanging by his side, and I know the only reason he hasn’t used it to try to get us out of this is the fact that Alec has us so fucking outnumbered. We really are trapped, and thinking about that makes me really start to panic. For a second, I feel like that helpless child again, like the little lamb Alec keeps calling me.

The reality of the situation hits me all at once, all of it crashing down on me—the impossible choice that’s staring me in the face.

I have to kill one of them.

But Ican’t.

And how the fuck would I even choose? How would I be able to live with myself after that?

“No,” I tell Gage, shaking my head. “No. I can’t do this. I can’t lose anyone else. Not after losing Hannah twice! No.”

My voice breaks on Hannah’s name, and I feel sick to my stomach.

So much loss. So much death.

I can’t bear any more. I can’t.

Gage’s face softens a little and he shakes his head.

“I’m sorry, River,” he murmurs. “I really am.”

“Why?” I mumble back. “For what?”

“I truly am a selfish bastard. Because I’d rather die than live in a world without you in it.”

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