Page 12 of Knot My Pack

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We’re about to walk inside the café when something catches my attention.

A van, similar to the one I saw outside my house, is parked near the restaurant’s front gate.

The tinted windows send a chill down my spine. Whoever’s inside the van is probably watching me.

“Why do you look so distracted?” Ethan asks, grabbing my arm just as I stumble on a loose rock on the pavement.

“It’s nothing,” I mutter.

He straightens me and gives me an amused look.

I dip my head and walk inside the café.It’s all my imagination, I tell myself.Why would anyone want to tail me?

Ethan chooses a seat by the windows, giving us a full view of La Cocina on the opposite street. I stare at the van parked there, willing for someone to climb out.

“What do you want?” Ethan asks.

I shrug, keeping my gaze on the van.

“Why do you keep staring out like that?” he asks in a suspicious tone.

“Just get me the usual,” I say, waving my hand.

Ethan gets up to get our stuff, leaving me free to do a little spying of my own.

No one approaches the van. No one climbs out of it.

My gaze stays fixed on the van throughout the time that I’m seated at the café. Ethan talks to me but I barely listen to a word he says.

I jerk when I feel someone shaking my shoulder. “Iris.”

“Stop that!” I bat at Ethan’s hand.

“Seriously. What are you looking at?”

“Nothing. Is it time to go back to work?”

“You haven’t even touched your coffee.”

I look down at the deflated foam on the top of my latte. Damn it!

“I’ll ask them to put it in a takeout mug. Sorry.”

He shakes his head while I talk to one of the waitresses.

“You can be such an oddball sometimes,” he says, grinning amusedly as the waitress hands me my cup. “I even asked you if you wanted to eat something.”

My stomach decides to groan at that very moment.

He chuckles when I cringe.

“Come on,” he says, throwing an arm around my shoulder and guiding me out of the café. “I’ll make you a sandwich.”

A smile lifts the corner of my lips. His offer instantly puts me at ease and I forget all about the stupid van.

“Thanks, mate,” I say.

He gives me a look and shakes his head, leading the way back to the restaurant.

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