Page 146 of Knot My Pack

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“Shit! They’re here,” Julian mutters. He barks more codes into his headphones.

“Are there weapons in the house?” I ask, watching several black-clad figures break through the kitchen door and the front entrance of the mansion.

“Can you use a gun?” Julian asks in a grim tone.

I nod. “Guns, rifles, shotguns. Give me whatever you’ve got.”

Julian mutters a short response into his headset before taking it off and placing it on the desk. “Let’s go, then,” he says.

I follow him out into the corridor.

He silently signals me to stay quiet as he leads me to the lower floors.

Together, we go back to Damon’s bedroom.

I can barely make out more than the shapes of the furniture in the darkened room but Julian seems to know his way around.

“Come here,” he whispers, opening a cupboard in the corner.

My eyes adjust to my dim surroundings, giving me a glimpse of the small arsenal inside the cupboard.

“What do you prefer?” he asks.

I walk forward and grab a pistol. It’s small, won’t weigh me down, and will give me ease of movement.

“Grab me some cartridges,” I say, holding the gun in my palm to feel its weight.

Julian hands me the ammunition, arms himself next, and closes the cupboard.

“Stay here,” he says in a grim voice. “Don’t switch on the lights or they’ll know where to find you. Don’t make a single noise no matter what you hear. Promise me.”

“Of course, I won’t,” I whisper.

“Good. I’ll be right back.”

He starts to walk away but I grab his hand, pulling him back. “Where are you going?”

“I need to check on something,” he says, prying my fingers off his hand. “Just remember what I told you. Stay quiet.”

He steadily walks and soundlessly closes the door behind him.

I almost relax when the sound of the turning knob and the tiny clink of metal alerts me.

Hurrying to the door, I pull at the knob but it doesn’t open.

I try harder, my panic nearly choking me, but the door doesn’t budge.

Julian has locked me in.

“Open up!” I shout, banging the door. “Shit!”

A storm rages inside me. I have no idea what Damon is planning next or whether he’ll be here in time.

The Black Widow terrorists are already inside the house.

Julian is somewhere out there, taking on the fight alone. Why’d he have to lock me in here? We’d have a greater chance of victory if we worked together.

My fear for Julian and Damon’s safety floods my mind, freezing me to the spot. It’s so absolute, I have no thoughts about my own safety.

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