Page 55 of Knot My Pack

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The cakes and pancakes he makes are usually undercooked or burnt. One time he tried baking a cake for my birthday which resulted in the fire alarm going off because the oven was emitting thick, black smoke.

It’s Iris, I realize, taking another sip of coffee.

She’s supposed to be working in the trainee dorms. How did she end up here? And why was she cooking Julian a feast and letting him doll her up?

“Fuck,” I mutter, rubbing my forehead. I need to spend more time at home and less at the club.

The need to seek out more information overcomes my need to sleep.

Draining the last drop of coffee, I head toward Julian’s den on the upper floor.

Reaching the first floor of the mansion, I walk toward the west wing.

Excited shouts and laughter reach my ears the closer I get to the room that serves as Julian’s personal entertainment room.

Opening the door an inch, I peer in.

Both Iris and Julian are holding their controllers, their faces set in similar determined focus. They’re muttering to themselves as they jump and hop on the spot.

I never understood Julian’s penchant for gaming. What was in fun of blowing shit on a TV screen when you could do it in real life?

They punch each other’s shoulders and shout curses as their game progresses. It’s been a while since I saw Julian laughing and talking so freely.

I settle down on the floor by the door.

Memories of days that have gone by an era ago flick through my mind. There was a time when my brothers and I were happy and carefree too. Nothing seemed too far from our reach.

After years of being in the vanguard unit changed something inside me. Life became all about killing or being killed.

My mind feels trapped in a prison. There’s only darkness inside me.

Blood and tortured screams are the only things that excite me now.

Alcohol is the only thing that soothes my demons.

Julian hates the distance I’ve created between us, but it’s the only way I can protect him from the darkness that consumes my soul.

It feels good to see him being happy even if it’s not with me.

I look toward Iris and a desperate hope flares inside my chest. She’s all smiles and sugar with Julian, but she’d shown me a side of her that made my demons purr.

I want to taste that fire in her again.

Leaning against the wall, I settle down and wait for an opportunity to have her all to myself.

My chance comes after two hours.

“I can’t believe you beat me,” Julian says, rubbing his neck.

Iris grins. “You need more practice, old man.”

“Did you just call me an old man?” Julian pounces on her, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her feet off the ground.

Iris squeals and laughs. “Put me down!”

“Nah. This old man’s going to carry you everywhere.”

