Page 18 of Beautiful Sinner

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I’d wanted to beat the senator’s son to death, carving my name in his chest as the blood drained from his useless body, but I’d been taught when and how to strike. This wasn’t the time. The invitation had been an interesting situation, allowing a member of the Kozlov family to observe the senator and how he handled business.

Senator Donahue had been a pain in our ass, demanding arrests. Fortunately, he didn’t have enough influence with members of law enforcement to make any headway, but my father was insistent that we keep him in line by whatever methods were necessary.

This bullshit with his son wasn’t going to bode well for the family, but I’d handle the aftermath my way. Getting the lovelyprintsessaout of here was my first priority. Whether or not Reg remained silent would be interesting to see.

“By the looks you were giving me downstairs, I’d say you were more than interested in leaving the worthless fuck of a date and slipping away to anywhere else with me.”

“You are one arrogant prick, aren’t you?”

“Now that we’ve established your thoughts on my motivational skills, we’re leaving. As I said. You have no choice. Come with me.” I gripped her arm, pulling her toward the door, grabbing both knives and shoving them into my pocket. Whether or not I returned hers would depend on whether she was a good girl.

We didn’t exchange names. I didn’t want or care to know hers. At this point, she was nothing more than a liability.

“Let go of me,” she hissed, struggling as she’d done before. I dug my fingers into her soft skin, my libido flaring. Even her scent, the perfume a combination of unknown exotic spices and just a hint of lilacs continued to keep me fully aroused. All I could think about was the taste of her mouth, honey and cinnamon. My mind had been a blur as I’d dominated her tongue and I’d almost lost control with her.

Now I had to do what I’d promise, dropping her off at her house and forgetting I’d ever met her. Just before we went down the last set of stairs, I pulled her close, nuzzling against her neck. I was instantly intoxicated, the wafting of her sweet pussy lingering. “You aren’t going to make a scene. If you do, I’ll be forced to provide you with an entirely different kind of lesson. Do you understand me?”

“Yes.” Her hiss was laced with venom.

Once on the first floor, I instantly moved toward the front door then stopped, debating the ridiculous thought shifting through my mind. Perhaps the senator needed a touch of motivation himself. I headed toward the main room, finding the senator as soon as I crossed the threshold.

She fought me, jerking hard enough she almost managed to free herself. “What are you doing? You’re crazy. Just leave. I’ll go with you.”

“Yes,printsessa, you will. However, I have business to conclude.” I pushed my way through the crowd until I was standing only a few feet away from the senator. Noticing Reg, I grinned, fairly certain he hadn’t mentioned his irresponsible behavior by the scarlet shade ripping up both sides of his face.

“You’re crazy,” she whispered, suddenly acting as if she and I were a couple.

The senator finally realized I was coming toward him, his look of surprise mixed with trepidation. It was good to have the man just as petrified as his worthless son. He was nothing more than a pious prick with his hand out. Of course the pretty people of the room would offer him money, bowing down to the man they believed would save them from the reprehensible likes of a savage like me. If they only knew what the politician did in his off time, they’d lock themselves in their houses for fear of being tainted by his brutality with whores.

I made it a point to learn as much as I could about every enemy. I’d found early on that discovering their darkest secrets made it that much easier to break them.

“What do you want, Russian?” he asked, contempt his new expression.

“I want nothing except to suggest you keep your son on a tight leash. If you don’t, you’ll find that he’s suddenly wearing a shock collar.”

The people who’d been engaged before backed away. Many of them knew who I was and what I could do.

“And why would I do that?” he snorted, scanning one side of the room then the other, searching for the bad seed. Poor Reg slunk further into the shadows.

“He enjoys taking advantage of women. You know what they say. Like father, like son. I don’t think you want that in your next press statement.” So I was pushing the facts to one side, but it had the effect I’d wanted.

Several of the pompous guests gasped, horrified that Reginald would do something so atrocious.

I smiled while the senator absorbed what I was saying. Then I turned, heading toward the door with no hurry in my step. Fuck him. Fuck the men we called the saints. They were just as corrupt as any crime organization. Perhaps more so.

When I opened the door, the pounding rain irritated the fuck out of me. “Do you have a coat?”


“It’s thirty-eight degrees outside and you came without a coat?”

“I didn’t think I’d be spending any time outside. It’s no concern of yours whether I wear a coat or not.”

“You’re right, sweetheart. It’s not.”

Her damn pink lips pouted for me, but I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying provoking my dark beast. When men did that shit, they ended up dead. Allowing her to tempt it without punishment wasn’t in my nature, but she had an innate way of making me doubt my decisions. Why the hell would that be the case?

Hissing, I jerked off my jacket, putting it around her shoulders. “Do not fight me. Now, walk and do not talk to anyone.”

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