Page 9 of Beautiful Sinner

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“Tell me your greatest dream.”

“I… Just music. That’s all.”

“You can wish for the whole world. There must be more you want, something you haven’t told anyone.”

This was a bad idea all the way around. I shot out from around him, racing deeper into the woods, going off the path. I wasn’t really trying to get away from him, but I’d never even kissed a boy until the little peck I’d forced on him. I was terrified he’d make fun of me like everyone else. I looked over my shoulder. He was following alright, but walking normally, his hands in his pockets.

I zigged and zagged, finally laughing. He wasn’t going to let me go. What did he really want?

After a few seconds, I looked over my shoulder again, still laughing. I suddenly felt free, as if this was the perfect taste of becoming older. Determined to hide from him, I bolted forward. Then I tripped over something.

When my feet left the ground, I yelped, coming down with a hard thud. Oh, dear God, if I tore the dress, my mother would kill me. Pain tore through my shins and hands. Gasping, I tried to catch my breath.

Then I realized what I’d tripped over.

A man was… lying in the…

I jerked back, only to find another body, blood everywhere. Gasping, I almost started to hyperventilate, struggling to understand what I was seeing.

Then I knew.

I crawled forward, scrambling to get to my feet, catching sight of two more. They were my father’s men. They’d been murdered. They were all dead.Dead.

I turned around only to see Sevastian standing a few feet away.

And he was smiling.



Present day


I didn’t like them any more now that I was older and perhaps wiser, certainly no longer a child. Pomp and circumstance drove me crazy. All the preparations and the hunt for the perfect attire. Hours spent primping with hair and nails, pedicures and all the rest. Then there was the noise, people jabbering about nothing, smiling as if the person they were speaking with was their best friend when they wanted to run away or find another victim to spend time glorifying their existence. And food. The only delicious food I’d ever had at a party had been made by my grandmama, but she didn’t have as much time to prepare food for the family given the delicious restaurant that she’d helped turn into such a success.

I found parties for political gain even more reprehensible, but here I was standing in a festive red dress, all dolled up for the occasion. I’d rather be at home, locked away in my room, playing my violin. I had to keep practicing or I’d never get good enough to be able to follow my dreams. I was beginning to doubt I’d be accepted to Julliard. I’d been trying for over two years. Two. Fucking. Years. The last audition hadn’t gone so well, a case of the nerves finally forcing my mind to snap for a few seconds. That’s all it took to be shoved aside like trash.

“Come on, silly. You’ve been standing in the same place for fifteen minutes.”

That’s because I don’t want to be here.

Maybe I should just tell mydatethat. I’d managed to get away for a few precious minutes, finding an open door to the patio. The freezing cold had been a welcome relief to the hot wind left by several guests after they’d pontificated about whatever position they believed in.

God, this sucked.

“I want to introduce you to some people.” As my date closed the distance, his grin giving him the carefree debonair look, I frowned. Reggie had another drink in his hand, swirling the ice cubes as if trying to impress somebody.

I glared at the man, regretting the day I’d agreed to be his plus one, but after he’d plied me with a dozen roses, I’d caved. He pressed his hand on the small of my back as he led me into a room filled with strangers. The party was for his father and his upcoming reelection bid to the senate. That much I knew from Reggie going on and on about how amazing and powerful his father was.

Granted, Casper Donahue didn’t like me very much, especially given my family lineage, but he also wouldn’t turn down my father’s contribution either. Being able to silently send a sharp jab into Senator Donahue was the final thing that had pushed me over the edge in making the decision to accompany Reggie. Sadly, Reginald, Reggie for short, was cute in a slick kind of way, but he most definitely wasn’t my happy ever after. He wasn’t even my happy for now. He was just… an okay date.

He’d obviously had several drinks, which pissed me off even more. I’d waited like some debutante for him to offer me one, but no, he’d taken care of himself. That’s when I’d grabbed my first glass of wine.

I chewed on my lower lip as he introduced me to several people. I happened to notice he hadn’t used my last name a single time. That didn’t garner him any good boy points.

I smiled politely, but after a solid dozen handshakes, I was ready for a second drink. Or two. So I was a couple of months shy of twenty-one. So what? This was a private party. Plus, I was a mafia princess. Who would dare question me? I rolled my eyes at the thought.
