Page 95 of Beautiful Sinner

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When he finally broke the kiss, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my lip, Isabella issued a tiny but audible moan.

I also heard her whispered single word. “Dreamy.”

“I’m going to do really bad things to you tonight,” he murmured.

“Like what?”

He growled on purpose, shaking his head slowly. “No, my princess. You’ll have to wait. I’ll pick you up around eight. Don’t plan on returning home.”

My home was with him and always would be.

“Where are you going?” I asked playfully, batting my eyelashes on purpose.

“One last piece of business to handle. Then I’m all yours.”

“Uh-huh. Does that mean you’ll help me pick out the cake?”

“Oh, heavens, no!” my mother exclaimed.

Sevastian laughed, the booming sound creating another wave of sinful tingles dancing down my legs. “We’ll see what surprises I might have in store for you.”

His promises were always filled with delicious, filthy sin. “Be careful.”

“I’m always careful.” As he backed away, he took another look at the dress then sighed. “I can’t wait to see you in the dress you select.”

It was his subtle but perfect way of telling me I was right. I licked my lips on purpose. Then I realized I was holding my breath until he left the store. A slight emptiness filled me and I wondered if that’s the way it would always be when he left for ‘business.’

“Doesn’t he have brothers?” Isabella asked in a husky whisper as she flanked my side.

“Isabella!” my mother admonished.

All I could do was laugh.

Even though worry filtered into my mind. I loved the man more than I could say, yet I would always worry that I’d never see him again.

Something I’d been forced to accept. I was not only a mafia princess, but I was also Sevastian’sprintsessa.

* * *



I’d had my share of them, but none as egregious as having someone from law enforcement infiltrating my world and my family’s empire. I had to admit the man had been damn good at fitting in, his credentials airtight. We had connections allowing us to find the real identity of almost everyone, but we’d failed.

In doing so, we’d allowed over two months of information to be passed onto the DEA. That meant a change in every procedure. Locations of our merchandise, properties, meeting areas. I had no way of knowing how much the fucking traitor had found during his employment. I ran a secure operation, but he’d been able to secure enough information, arrest warrants were about to be issued.

However, without evidence, it would be difficult to make charges stick.

Now it was time to send a message once again.

While assistance had been given to both the agent as well as the powers that be at the DEA, the bulk of the traitorous work had been handled by one man.

I would enjoy taking my time with him, explaining exactly how rats like him were handled.

I’d allowed a full week to pass, every day feeding incorrect information while I’d assigned the repulsive rat to other tasks. There’d been far too many questions asked, the police breathing down my neck, but our leadership and influence over several powerful ‘saints’ had been our saving grace. Another story had already taken over the headlines.

Besides, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies were facing a crisis of their own, the highly secure computer systems hacked. Given the DEA had hidden locations and other private details regarding our shipments in their vast system as well, Diez had easily found our main warehouse. My instinct had worked again. However, I refused to rely on it in the future.

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