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“So funny!” Alex gasps.

“Why do you have to be so fucking annoying?” Seth shouts.

I’m so over their fighting and their shenanigans. Thinking fast, I seize Seth’s face, pulling him toward me and plant my lips against his. His eyes widen as my tongue slips inside, stroking his lightly, awakening his senses to me. As I kiss him, I feel the tension in his body ebb, I feel it awakening to me. He moans, his hands moving from Alex and slowly wrapping around me, pulling my body to his. His arms tighten around my waist as his tongue strokes against mine, making my insides heat and my mind go numb with lust.

“I’m still here you know,” Alex’s voice wafts up to us.

My lips release Seth and my gaze meets Alex’s, finding him still on his back with his lips parted, his eyes glazed over with desire. His tongue slips out to stroke his bottom lip as he holds my stare. His hands reach for me, his palm pressing against my leg and slowly sliding upwards.

“Should we go to the bed?” Alex whispers.

Slowly, I nod while my gaze swivels to Hunter and Lucas, who are already stripping off their shirts and making their way to the bed. Seth takes my hand, helping me to rise. Alex follows and shrugs off his coat, dumping it on the floor. My gaze returns to Hunter and Lucas, kneeling on the bed, their gazes on me while they unbuckle their pants.

A gentle touch on my chin turns me away from them and my breath hitches as I meet Alex’s blue stare. His lips press against mine, his tongue sliding easily into my mouth. Seth stands behind me, his lips pressing against my throat. I lean into the touch, enjoying the warmth provided by Seth and Alex. They really are amazing lovers when they choose to work together.

Seth’s arms slide around me. His fingers play with the button of my jeans. I wiggle my bottom into him, desperate to have his touch on my skin. Alex deepens the kiss and I gasp, my hands sliding up and onto his chest, clutching onto his shirt. Seth’s teeth graze against my skin and I groan, my whole body shivering with need and desire. His fingers undo my button. The sound of the zipper being pulled down tickles my ears, heightens my senses. His fingers tug at the top of my jeans, moving them down while Alex’s mouth slides away from mine to kiss a sloppy path down my neck toward my chest.

As Seth continues working down my jeans, Alex grabs my shirt, pulling it up and over my shoulder. He kisses me before I have time to cover my stomach, his hands moving around me to deftly undo my bra. I still as Seth’s hands slide against my front, pressing against that little nub and making me wet. My jeans are stuck around my ankles and I desperately try to kick them free to only stumble into the bed.

Hunter and Lucas are there to catch me, pulling me onto the bed while I continue kicking off my jeans, thankful when the fabric finally releases my ankles. I watch briefly as Seth and Alex pull off their shirts before Lucas moves in front of me. His hands reach for my panties, pulling them down swiftly and throwing them behind him before grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulders. I gasp as his mouth takes me, his tongue flicking against my clit. I toss back my head, a low groan leaving my lips, immediately silenced by Hunter’s mouth on mine.

Hunter’s hands stroke my arms, my shoulders, and my face before cupping my breasts. He massages them gently as his tongue strokes against mine, making me feel dizzy with desire. He silences another moan as his fingers pinch my nipples. Lucas’s tongue continues circling me as his fingers press inside, moving in and out. My legs wiggle as I thrust my hips against him, my body seeking that wonderful, addictive release.

Hunter’s mouth slides away from me and I arch my back, gasping with eyes wide open as he sucks on a nipple. His other hand continues to play with me. Lucas growls against my womanhood, making me shiver. The bed dips and my gaze lurches to Alex and Seth, now completely naked and crawling toward me.

“What a pretty sight,” Alex whispers, his hand sliding down his front to grip his dick. I watch him shiver, his gaze never leaving mine as he slowly pumps himself.

Lucas’s body slides away from mine and my entire body trembles from the lack of warmth and the need taking hold of me. Hunter releases my nipple, and I find my body lifting of its own accord, crawling toward Seth, whose dick leaks with want. I close the distance between us, my tongue licking my lips before my mouth envelopes Seth’s tip. A soft moan escapes him. His gaze holds mine as he strokes my face. I take him fully into my mouth, enjoying the way his mouth gapes open as a shrill sound escapes him.

“Rachel,” he breathes, both hands cupping my face. He thrusts in and out of me slowly, carefully. His mouth closes, his jaw clenching as the movements pick up in speed.

Hands grasp my bottom and I release Seth with a pop, ignoring his strangled cry as I turn around, finding Hunter sliding his dick in my crack. His hands massage my cheeks, his gaze focused as he continues thrusting his cock against my ample skin. His jaw is clenched, his gaze focused.

Seth grabs my chin, turning my attentions back to him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lucas and Alex stroking their dicks. Alex shivers as my gaze meets him. I hold it as I take Seth’s tip into my mouth, smiling when I hear him moan. I take Seth all the way in, until I feel him hitting the back of my throat. Seth’s hands clutch at my hair. He pulls out before thrusting deep and hard, nearly making me choke.

“Aw, fuck, Rachel,” Seth groans, tossing back his head. “I don’t think I can ever get enough of you.”

His words make my insides tight and grow wetter. I want all of them inside me. I want them deep in me, their hands touching me, their dicks coming all over my body. I don’t think I can take them all in me, but I would if I could.

Hunter’s tip presses against my hole and I wiggle my ass against him, anticipating the burn and the pleasure he’s about to give me. My mouth releases Seth and I turn to Lucas, taking him into my mouth. Seth whines next to me, poking his dick against my cheek. I chuckle against Lucas’s cock and my hand rises, about to take Seth’s dick, but Alex bats me away.

“You’ve always been a needy bastard, haven’t you?” I hear Alex murmur mischievously.

I turn ever so slightly toward the battling pair, watching with intrigue as Alex slides his hard member against Seth’s. Seth hisses, his eyes wide with worry and need. His grinds his teeth. I can see he wants to yell at Alex, tell him to butt out, but instead he grabs both their cocks and presses them against each other. I’m unable to pull my gaze away. I’m completely fascinated as Alex’s and Seth’s moans greet my ears.

Hunter thrusts deep inside my ass and my mouth slackens, my body stills as I feel the burn and pleasure take hold of me. He groans, wiggling his cock deeper inside me. His cock is so thick. I can feel it pulsating. I can feel his warmth and how much he’s leaking inside me. He slowly pulls out, his moan ticking my skin and making my whole body shudder. He slams into me again and I cry out, releasing Lucas’s dick and pressing my head against the bed.

“Rachel, are you okay?” Hunter asks, his voice filled with worry.

“So good,” I moan.

I press my body up, finding Alex and Seth still sliding their cocks against each other. Seth’s is dripping. His face is flushed. His gaze keeps looking between me and his cock sliding against Alex’s. I open my mouth wide, taking both tips into my mouth and sucking hungrily at them, as if they were strawberry and apple flavored lollipops.

Alex shouts while Seth moans. Their dicks push inside me and I take as much in as I possibly can. Lucas moans, stroking his dick while he watches us. Hunter’s forehead presses against my back, his movements becoming more desperate while his hands cup my breasts, pulling and pinching at my nipples.

“God, Rachel,” Seth gasps while tossing back his head.

“Please, don’t stop,” Alex moans.

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