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“Is everything alright?” Rachel asks.

I wince and shake my head.

Rachel nods and gives me a knowing look which makes me feel even worse.

Hunter looks between us and groans. “You guys aren’t back to fighting again, are you? For once, I would like to live in a peaceful home.”

I turn my attention to the nachos. I can’t worry about Seth on an empty stomach. “We’ll be sure to keep it as peaceful as possible for you, Hunter,” I say cheerfully. I have no clue what’s in store for me and Seth this year, but I have a feeling, it won’t be as good as the summer we shared together.

Chapter 5


“October3rdis the book launch, right?” Steve asks while leaning over the bar. He flips through his calendar book, sipping out a cup of tea.

“Yeah,” I say while looking around at the bar. It’s completely dead, but it’s too early in the evening for a place like this to be open. On weeknights, it’s only open from six to midnight. Weekends are when Steve makes most of his money, but I don’t think I can take a Friday or Saturday night from him, which is why I have settled for a Thursday in October.

“I was hoping we could start at six and see where the evening takes us. I don’t think many people will come.”

Steve scoffs and slams his book shut. “Nonsense. This is going to be one of my biggest events of the year.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Yeah?” I don’t believe him. Steve is a nice guy. He’s established himself as the guy to go to if you want to start somewhere in writing, or anything artsy for that matter. However, he seems to put his faith way too much in people. I’m happy I got published, but there’s no way this book is going to be big. It’s my first one. I don’t expect to make it big until my tenth or twentieth book.

Still, Steve bobs his head up and down, reminding me of a kid excited to be going to Disneyland. “Everyone is excited that someone in the community has gotten published. You might not be famous all over the world, but you’re famous here.”

I chuckle and shake my head. Steve does have a point. Maybe I judged him too quickly. “So, you will be able to get those vegan carrot cakes in time for the opening?”

“You betcha! And I will even throw in some pumpkin pie, since it will be October and all. You know how the ladies love pumpkin spice everything during fall.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t even get me started,” I groan, recalling the last few seasons I’ve worked at The Cafe and all the complaints we would get for not having pumpkin spice lattes or cold brews. And every time I would remind them, we are not a Starbucks, which, of course, would get their panties in a bunch. Honestly, the owner should look into ordering pumpkin spice, or at least teaching us new specialty coffee. Seasonal lattes are a thing and I don’t think they’re ever going away.

Although, it took us a year to convince the owner to hire another staff member. I don’t know why the owner, whomever they may be since I mostly communicate with them over email, insists on keeping staff limited to three people. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they came in from time to time, but it seems like they don’t even live in the same city. I don’t know how that works, but I’m not a business owner, nor do I intend to ever be one.

“Don’t worry, Lucas,” Steve says while coming around the bar. “Everything will go off without a hitch. Just leave everything to me.”

He pats me on the shoulder and smiles brightly at me. I swear he looks younger than me, but I know he’s older. One of these days, I should ask him what his secret is, although I suspect, I won’t like the answer.

“Thanks, Steve. Good to know.”

“Just one more thing. What about the—”


Steve’s month promptly closes and we both turn toward the door, finding Hunter standing there, looking sheepish.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be that loud?” Hunter says while stepping inside, allowing the door to shut behind him. “I just wanted to know if you needed a ride home.”

“You’re done already?” I ask while looking at my watch. My eyes widen when I realize it’s nearly six, meaning Steve needs to open soon. “I didn’t realize it was this late.”

“We’ll talk later,” Steve says while stepping away from me toward the stock room. “I’ll send an email with all my questions. Don’t worry, Lucas. It will be amazing.”

Hunter sidles close to me and we both watch Steve disappear into the stock room. “That guy is weird,” Hunter murmurs.

“No, he’s not. He’s just… nice.”

“And weird.”

I roll my eyes and turn toward Hunter. “How was work? You enjoying the whole selling camping thing?”

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