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“So, what was that all about?” Seth asks. He’s still staring at his phone, sitting on the edge of the bed, but there’s something ominous in his tone.

“Susan Burnt just called,” I say while stepping in front of him. He refuses to look up at me. I’m tempted to rip that phone out from his grasp. Instead, I clasp my hands behind my back and say, “She wants me to fill in for a model. I’m flying to New York in three days. Well, less than three days, I suppose.”

Seth’s frown deepens and I step out of his way as he stands. He shoves his cellphone into his khakis and steps around me, making a beeline for the door.

“Wait, what’s going on?” I ask, following Seth out the door and down the hallway.

“Nothing, I’m just tired.”

I follow him down the stairs. “Talk to me, Seth. Obviously, something is bothering you.”

“Nothing is bothering me,” he says while heading into the kitchen.

“I don’t believe you.” I stop in the doorway and watch him open the refrigerator door. He pulls out a smoothie he made yesterday morning. It doesn’t look good. It’s mostly brown with speckles plastered against the glass. I can’t tell if he mixed blueberries or blackberries in the concoction. I stifle a gag while watching him pour the contents of the jar into a small glass. The consistency reminds me of mud, and it looks like something I would shit out in the morning.

“Just tell me,” I say while turning away from him, unable to watch him drink the old smoothie.

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

I hate the anger in his tone. How does he get to be angry? We were having a wonderful time kissing and touching after nearly two weeks of him walking on eggshells, terrified of anyone but Rachel walking in on us. I should be the angry one, not him.

“Is it about New York?”

Seth doesn’t reply and I’m tempted to look his way, if not for the disgusting smoothie. I chance a glance, finding him scowling into the sink. “You could come with,” I say, edging toward him until I’m merely a hair’s breadth from him. I don’t touch. If I touch him, he will shut down, run away, and I can see he’s at the brink—about to open himself to me.

For fuck’s sake, what’s wrong with me? He should be open with me. We’re in a fucking relationship after all. “Susan is in need of models,” I continue. “She would be happy to have you. It could be like last time. The two of us, modeling together, sharing a hotel room together. It could be fun.

“I can’t.” Seth sounds like someone punched him in the gut. He’s not looking at me. His gaze is so focused on whatever is in the sink. His hands on the counter tighten. I can see the whites of his knuckles. “I’m manager now. I can’t take any vacation until the probation period is over in three months.”

“Okay,” I say while a nod. I raise my arm, wanting to put it around his shoulders and draw him close to me, but I decide that might make things worse and it drops awkwardly back to my side. “Then talk to me, Seth. Why are you upset?”

“I’m not upset.”

“Do you not want me to go? Is that it?”

Seth shakes his head. “No, you should go. It sounds like fun.”

“Then what is it?” I chuckle and cross my arms, flashing my most charming smile, which he refuses to look at. “Are you going to miss me, Garcia? Is that it?”

Just when I think he’s about to talk, the front door opens and I hear, “We’re home! And we’ve brought nachos!”

Seth flinches at the sound of Rachel’s voice and he lurches away from me, putting several feet between us. I try not to be hurt, but it’s hard. We’ve spent two amazing months acting like two lovers and now everything has come to a screeching halt. I paste on a brave smile, though. Seth wants to keep us a secret so I’m not going to out him by arguing. We can resolve this later, when Hunter and Rachel aren’t here to watch.

“Hello?” Rachel calls.

“In the kitchen!” I shout.

Hunter is the first to enter, carrying a large bag filled with three large plastic boxes I’m sure the delicious nachos are residing within. “Have you been home the whole day?” Hunter asks while looking down at my sweatpants and tank-top attire.

I rest my hands on my hips and give him a dark scowl. “I’ll have you know I’ve been studying.”

“And how is that going?” Hunter asks sardonically.

I decide not to answer that question. “Seth, how about some nachos?”

Seth shakes his head and steps around both Hunter and Rachel. “Not now,” he grumbles.

My shoulders slump as I watch him go, wishing I could go with him without making Hunter suspect anything.
