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“You definitely have the look,” she says while brushing a stray red lock away from my forehead.

I flinch, instantly worried Susan is making a move on me. She had the team dye my roots so my hair looks perfect for the photos. I take a step back, putting some space between us as her gaze goes to my shoulders and my arms. It’s then I realize she’s assessing my looks for another gig, not sexually. I don’t know whether to feel offended or relieved. Perhaps a bit of both, I decide.

“I’m just wondering if you have the time for some other projects I’m working on,” Susan says finally with a bright smile I think I’ve only seen her give a cheeseburger.

“What other projects?”

Susan shrugs. “I mean, it’s up to you. I don’t know if you enjoy flying all over the country every few weeks. It can get pretty stressful and not all the projects include runway walks. Mostly magazine shoots, like you’re used to.” She taps her chin and her smile widens. “What I’m really thinking, is you’ll be good in Hamburg.”

“Hamburg?” I practically shout. Germany? She wants me to go to Germany?

“It would be for a month in December. You would miss Christmas with your family, but it’s definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of course, Puma will want an experienced model, which is why I think you working on other projects the next few months will be good. There’s one at the beginning of October I think I could weasel you in. I just need to double check the date, but I think you would be perfect for it, Alex.”

Me? She wants me? How is this happening? Seriously, I was just studying for a stupid test days ago, not knowing what the hell I am going to do in my life when she drops this so easily in my lap. It’s everything I could ever ask for. But then… I would be away from Rachel… and Seth.

Sure, Susan has only told me about two gigs, but there will be more, and Hamburg would be for an entire month. I already did two months away from Rachel, and though, it was fun, I still missed her so much. I was so desperate to get back to her and have her at my side again. A month isn’t as long as two, but it would be Christmas time, away from my girlfriend, away from my… somewhat boyfriend, and my friends. I don’t think everyone could afford to go with me. Lucas just bought us that house and Rachel needs to focus on graduating and figuring out what she’s going to do with her career.

And Seth. What will he say? He may be upset. He seemed upset when I took on this project. And our messages, have been… interesting. He hasn’t really been the most supportive, but what can I expect from him? He’s always been this way. I can’t change him. But, can I continue with this? Do I really want to jeopardize this opportunity all because Seth will be unsupportive?

“When do you need to know by?” I ask.

Susan’s smile slightly dips and something flashes in her gaze. She knows I should take the deal. It’s true. This is the chance of a lifetime, but her smile widens and she says calmly, “Can you let me know in a week?”

I nod. “I’ll give you a call.”

I’ll talk to Rachel and Seth about it first. They at least have the right to know where my head is at. We are in a relationship together and that’s what healthy couples do. I have no clue what I am going to say if Seth tells me not to go. And I have no idea what I will feel if he tells me to leave.


The taxi’s lights flash over the house. It’s late. Way past midnight and I assume everyone will be in bed. I pull my bag closer to me as the taxi stops. “Thanks,” I murmur, handing him some cash before throwing open the door and nearly tumbling out.

It’s been a very long day filled with packing, racing to the airport, getting stuck in security, flying and then finding a taxi cheap enough to drive me back home. Sure, I could have called Hunter. That would have been the easiest for me, but gas is expensive and I’m sure he’s very much over being everyone’s chauffeur. He’s probably counting the days until all of us can afford cars of our own.

I trudge toward the door, the lights dimming as the taxi pulls out of our driveway. It takes a moment for me to find my keys in my jacket, mostly because they’re stuffed full with plane tickets and trash, and because I’m absolutely exhausted.

“Fuck,” I mumble as the keys tumble out of my hands and onto the ground.

Bending over to pick them up feels like torture. My thighs are sore from the quick workout I squeezed in this morning and my head is spinning from lack of sleep. As soon as the keys are in my hand, I hold them firmly and shove them into the door, hearing the click as I unlock it.

“Hey!” A familiar voice calls from behind, making me jump.

I glance over my shoulder, the jerking motion making me hiss as I feel a muscle pull in my neck. My eyes narrow on the figure running toward me and my heart plummets, wondering what I can use to protect myself from the assailant.

“Hold the door, will you?”

I blink the sleep out of my eyes, noticing the figure running toward me looks a lot like Seth. As the figure approaches, my eyes widen, realizing it in fact, is Seth. “What are you doing running at this late at night?” I ask as he stops a foot from me.

I watch as he bends over, panting, trying to regain his breath. His skin glistens in the moonlight. Sweat drips down his hair, plopping onto the porch. My breath hitches as his gaze lifts to mine and he gives me a mischievous smile.

“You’re back,” he says, his voice sounding so good to my ears it should be a sin. “For some weird reason I thought you were coming back tomorrow.”

“No, today, now,” I add awkwardly as he straightens.

I follow him inside the house, closing the door behind me as quietly as I can muster. I lock the door and bolt it before slinging my bag onto the floor and kicking off my shoes.

“So, how was it?” Seth asks while sauntering into the kitchen.

I follow him and watch as he takes a protein smoothie out of the refrigerator. Why was he running so late? Was he lying? Did he think I would actually return tonight and hoped he would run into me? I grip the counter to steady myself. My legs are wobbling. I’m so exhausted. I should be going up to bed, but it’s been so long since Seth and I were alone like this. Hunter and Lucas are asleep, so maybe, just maybe, Seth and I can… have a moment together… if we’re quiet.
