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“You could have told me!”

“No, I couldn’t have, Seth,” Alex says, his expression pained.

I feel terrible as I watch them. My pregnancy has formed a bigger wedge between them. Whatever they were arguing about before, this has only exacerbated their problems.

“Stop it, Seth,” Lucas says while putting himself between Alex and Seth. “It was Rachel’s secret to tell, not his.”

Seth scoffs. “You do realize the kid isn’t yours, right? This isn’t even your problem.”

“It’s not a problem, it’s a miracle,” Lucas says, his tone gentle. “And it doesn’t matter to me who is the father. I will still be there to help Rachel raise them. We’re a family.”

“Then you’re better than me.”

Another wave of dizziness hits me and I sway on my feet. I press a cool hand against my forehead. My vision blurs but I focus on the floor, on my breath. Seth and Lucas are yelling, yet the words aren’t registering. I feel like I’m going to pass out at any moment. What the hell is going on?

“I don’t want to be a father!” Seth shouts. “I never asked for this.”

“Well, Rachel isn’t asking, she’s telling!” Lucas shouts back. “And don’t worry, asshole, we’ll be there for her. No need for you to be father of the year.”

“Alright, stop,” Hunter says as he comes between Lucas and Seth. He pushes his hands against their chests, making them take a step back to get air.

I wobble out of Lucas’s embrace and make my way toward the couch, plopping onto it. No-one is paying me any mind anyway. I run my hands through my hair, trying to calm my pounding heart.

“We don’t even know who the father is,” Alex says calmly. “No need to stress out. Seth, I know you’re upset now, but just sleep on it. We can talk about this in the morning when you’ve had a bit of rest.”

“No, fuck that!” Seth shouts while stalking away from the living room, making his way toward the door. “I want nothing to do with this, you hear? Nothing!”

The door slams shut, and I have no clue what happens. It’s like a dam has suddenly burst. I sob. Tears stream down my cheeks and I press my cool hands against my face, trying to hide my ugly crying face from the bros’ pitiful looks.

“Rachel,” Hunter says sweetly and I feel the couch dip, feel his arms circling me. “It’ll be alright. He just needs to cool off.”

I knew Seth was going to be a little difficult. I didn’t expect him to be this difficult. Things were so good with us. Until now. He was always there for me, listening to my worries, helping me when I was down. Now what? Is this the end of us? Will he even return tonight or is he off to get trashed and fuck some girl he barely knows?

“Let’s get you upstairs,” I hear Lucas say.

Hunter picks me up easily and cradles me close. Even with all the weight I’ve gained, he holds me as if I weigh nothing. He brushes my hair away from my face and kisses me, but I can’t stop crying. All I can think of: this is the end of me and Seth and it’s all my fault. I should have been more up front with him about the pregnancy. And now, everything between us is ruined. He’ll never trust me again.

Chapter 14


“Here,thiswillhelpyou relax,” I say while turning on the faucet and starting the bath.

Rachel lingers outside the bathroom, wedged between Lucas and Hunter. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Lucas holding her close while Lucas kisses her forehead. Her face is bright red, her eyes swollen from crying. She’s calmed down slightly since coming upstairs. Her hiccups haven’t subsided. As I look at her, my heart twinges, wishing I could do something to make her feel better.

And then I remember Seth and how he spoke to her—like he thought she was nothing. The Seth I know would never speak so cruelly to Rachel. But did I ever really know him? Is the Seth I care for simply what I wish him to be? I don’t know anymore. Everything is all fucked. And all I want to do right now is find him and punch his fucking face in for speaking to Rachel that way.

I can understand his anger. Hell, I was angry, too, when I found out, but I never belittled her. I never made her feel so worthless. She deserves better than him. If he doesn’t want to help her raise the baby, then fine. He doesn’t have to. Lucas, Hunter, and I will take up the torch. It doesn’t matter who the father is. We’ll all be there for the little one.

Yet, even as I think those words, it does nothing to dissipate the rage boiling inside me. My feet take me to the door and I ignore Lucas and Hunter’s odd looks as I brush past them.

“Where are you going?” Lucas asks while I trudge down the hallway toward the staircase.

“I’m going to look for that asshole,” I say, my angry tone shocking even me. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry. I’ve never wanted to punch a wall so bad in my life.

I race down the stairs, grabbing my jacket on my way out. The door slams shut behind me and then I’m running toward the street. The lamps turn on as I pass them. It’s quite dark. I can barely see through the trees. The wind brushes past, rustling the leaves, igniting the surrounding air in an earthy scent.

“Seth!” I shout as I run, wondering if I can catch up to him. I’ve always been the faster runner. “Seth!”
