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Ah, fuck. Here it is. I’m getting fired. I knew this job was too good to be true. Bob but have discovered that I spend most of the down times studying rather than cleaning. Or that rude girl from before has already posted a snarky review about me being an idiot.

“Why don’t you put that broom down for a bit and come over here.”

“Okay,” I say shakily, propping the broom against a rack filled with hiking sweaters.

Bob leans against the counter. There’s a stack of flyers he must have brought from his office. All of them have pictures of kids ranging from elementary to high school skiing. Bob is even in one of the pictures making a peace sign.

“Do you have any plans for winter break?” Bob asks, smiling gently at me.

I shake my head. “No. The plan was to work here and get ahead in my studies.”

“We’re actually closed during break,” Bob says while picking up one of the flyers. “I run a ski camp at a resort nearby during those weeks. I was wondering if you’d like to apply to be a camp counselor?”

I blink at him. So I’m not getting fired? You can’t ask that Hunter. He’ll wonder why you’re scared of that and start looking at the store’s security cameras. “You want me to be camp counselor?”

Bob shrugs. “You’re working on your masters in Physical Education, right?”

“Yeah,” I say while bobbing my head.

“This will look good on your resume. I’m sure you need some starting point with kids. Do you have any experience with them?”

I make a face. “Not really.”

“That’s fine,” Bob says while patting me on the shoulder. “I’ll teach you. Really, we want to return them to their parents alive and without injury.”

I chuckle at that. “Yeah, I suppose that’s a good goal to have.”

“And they should have fun, but that’s secondary to the whole keeping them alive part.” Bob’s smile widens as he regards me. “I think this would be really good for you, Hunter. You let me know before the end of November. Sound good?”

Yeah. “I’ll definitely think about it,” I say while taking the flyer he hands me. “I know it’s the experience I need to land a PE internship.” But, what about Rachel? My stomach twists at the thought of leaving her alone. December is her due date, and that baby could be mine. What kind of father would I be for not attending the birth of my child? What would Rachel say if I leave her to go hang out with a group of kid in the mountains? I know exactly what she would say. Do it. Don’t give up experiences for her. She will be fine. But will she really? I don’t want to leave her and my possible child behind. I don’t want to be a bad father.

But it could also be Seth’s. And this would be good for not only me, but Rachel. This is what I need to land a good PE teaching job. No one will hire me if I don’t have experience with kids. Besides, Rachel has Alex and Lucas to help her. And the baby may even come late. I shouldn’t pass up this opportunity based on what-ifs.

“You know what, Bob,” I say while lowering the flyer onto the counter. “I think my mind is made. Sign me up.”

Chapter 18


Ifeellikeeveryoneis staring at me as I traverse the halls, heading to class, dressed in my new maternity dress. The fabric feels nice against my skin. Smooth. Unlike the scratchy sweaters I’ve been sporting recently. The green color brings out my eyes. I like how the hem flows around my legs. The leather jacket matches its jeweled tones. I thought wearing maternity clothes would make me feel old, like a mom, but I actually feel like a rockstar—well dressed, comfortable.

All my self-confidence deflates when I finally reach the door. Peeking through the small window, I see Lauren and Charlie sitting in the back, chatting, most likely about Mike. It’s always about Mike and how he’s torturing Charlie. She should just break up with him already. I’m sick of hearing about him all the time, and I’m sure Lauren feels the same way.

What will Charlie say when she sees my baby bump? Will she even notice? Will she be angry I kept this secret from her? I guess there’s only one way to find out. With a very long sigh, I push the door open and waltz inside, finding way too many stares on my belly, including Charlie’s.

Yep. She definitely notices.

I plaster a smile on my face and stride toward my desk, giving subtle nods to my peers, hoping they don’t burst into a flourish of hushed gossip the moment I pass them. Of course, they do. I don’t know why I hoped they wouldn’t. The art department is tiny at Aurora University. I’m sure everyone will know by lunch time.

“Good morning,” I say with a nod to Charlie and Lauren while I flop my bag on the floor and ease myself into my seat.

“Good morning,” Lauren says brightly with a wide smile. “You look nice today. New clothes?”

“Yep. The bros took me out shopping last week.”

“Oh, so you finally told them!” Lauren claps her hands excitedly. “I’m so happy. And everything is okay?”

I make a face and tilt my head from side to side. “For the most part. Seth is a little upset.”
