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Hunter grimaces and I notice his hands tightening on the steering wheel. “I don’t think Seth is going to move out.”


Hunter nods. “He just needs to cool off. He’ll eventually come around.”

I sigh and shake my head. “I don’t know about that. He was pretty angry when I spoke with him at the party.”

Although, he wasn’t just upset with Rachel. I also had my part in it, but unfortunately, because Seth isn’t ready to come out, I can’t speak to Hunter about that. It sucks. I feel like I can’t tell my friends what’s going on with me. I’m also hurting from my break up, but they will never know, because I want to protect Seth’s secret. Yet, somehow, his secret has begun hurting me.

Don’t think like that, Alex, I all myself while turning toward the window, staring outside it and seeing cars drive by. Stop thinking about Seth. He isn’t worth it. You guys are done. For good. In the distance I see the airport. Airplanes fly over us and there’s an exit to the right that will take us straight to the departures entrance. It won’t be long now.

“I actually don’t think this is all about Rachel,” Hunter says as he switches lanes.


I glance at Hunter, wondering if he knows something that I don’t know. Has he seen me and Seth together? If Mike can figure out that we’re all in a relationship with Rachel, then maybe Hunter can see through Seth and my lies about our relationship.

“It’s most likely about not getting on the Olympics teams.”

Oh. Of course. Yeah, this can’t be about me at all.

“You think so?” I ask while Hunter pulls in front of the departures entrance.

Hunter nods. “Yeah. I know Seth. We’ve been close for years. I think he thinks he’s worthless because he doesn’t have his life all figured out.”

“It’s not like we do, either,” I say while getting out of the car.

I move around to the back, where Hunter already has the trunk open.

“Seth has had a difficult upbringing,” Hunter says while handing me my duffel bag. “I suspect he’s worried about turning out like his father, who pretty much left him when he was a baby. And he can be a bit…”

I nod. “Yeah, a bit selfish.”

Hunter shakes his head. “No, sensitive. He can be a bit more sensitive than us.”

“What?” I ask, making a face. There are so many things I would describe Seth as. Dramatic. Self-centered. Loud. Funny. A bit rude. Sensitive definitely doesn’t come close to the list.

“Yeah, sensitive,” Hunter says while crossing his arms. “He worries a lot more than we do, and his feelings get hurt a bit easier. He may not like to talk about his feelings, but that doesn’t make him any less sensitive.”

“Okay,” I say with a nod, not sure if I believe Hunter, but I’m too tired and stressed to argue with him about it.

“Anyway,” Hunter says while patting my shoulder, “you have a good flight. I’ll be here when you get back.”

I shrug my duffel bag onto my shoulder. “Take good care of Rachel,” I say while stepping toward the entrance.

“You know I will.”

I give him a curt wave before turning around and heading inside. My stomach twists again and I don’t know if it’s because I’m stressed about traveling, or because I’m worrying about Seth and Rachel. They will be here when I get back. There’s nothing to worry about. I will have plenty of time to stress myself out about the baby and Seth moving out when I get back.

Right now, I have a job to get to. One that I hope to turn into a career.

Chapter 21


“Comeon.Pickup,”I mutter while hearing the ringtone on the other line. It has rung at least five times, and still no answer. I pull my phone away from me, scowling at Seth’s name. He needs to pick the fuck up. How long is he going to be giving us the quiet treatment? This is getting ridiculous.

I stab the hang-up button and redial. I’m going to call that motherfucker a hundred times today if need be. If this kid is really his, he should be here with us. He should be attending to Rachel, helping her, holding her hand. I don’t care if he is upset, she kept a secret from us. It’s not like this affects only him. We’re all affected by Rachel’s pregnancy and because we love her so much, we will be there for her.

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