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Hunter scowls at me through the mirror while Lucas shrugs as he looks at his phone. Peeking over his shoulder, I can see that he’s looking at a list of things that are done during a prenatal appointment. I shake my head while slamming the trunk close. It’s not like this is Rachel’s first appointment. I think she knows what happens. I can just see Lucas while they wait for the doctor, telling Rachel all the things she already knows. Yep. Lucas can definitely be annoying like that. Kinda happy I’m going to Chicago for that reason alone.

“You’ll call me every day, right?” I ask while sitting in the passenger seat next to Hunter.

“Yeah,” Hunter and Lucas say in unison.

I make a face at the both of them, but Hunter is too busy pulling out of our driveway to notice. Lucas makes a kissy face while Rachel rolls her eyes.

“Yes, I will,” Rachel says with a bright smile.

“And you will tell me how the baby is doing today after the appointment?”

“Yes, I will write a detailed document about everything the doctor says and does today,” Rachel says while looking at her nails. “Or better yet, I think Lucas will do that.”

“Indeed, I will,” Lucas says with a curt nod.

Rachel rolls her eyes again. “I just knew you were going to be annoying.”

I frown as I stare at Rachel. Once again, something is different about her. She’s wearing a long brick orange dress with a deep neckline that accents her breasts. I remember getting the dress with her when we went shopping for maternity clothes. It looks good, but there’s something off in the way she looks. I can’t quite put my finger on it, and so I turn around, telling myself it’s nothing and she will be fine. I’m only going to be gone for a week. What could possibly happen during that time?

“It says here they will check your weight and your blood pressure,” Lucas says.

I hold back a smile while I hear Rachel’s exasperated sigh, followed by a, “I know Lucas.”

Oh, she’s going to be so angry after her appointment. And I suspect, Lucas will write up an analysis of the appointment. Poor Rachel. Next time, I will go with her.

“Do you think your doctor can figure out the father of the baby today?”

I roll my eyes. Lucas is so curious whether it’s Hunter or Seth. As for me, I don’t think it will matter. We’ll all take care of the baby. Or at least, I plan on being an amazing co-parent. I don’t know about the others, but I assume Hunter and Lucas are onboard, as well.

“I doubt it,” Rachel says, her tone having an edge to it.

“Well, I’ll still ask,” says Lucas. “It’ll be good to know.”

Hunter pulls into a small parking lot, getting as close to the entrance of the clinic as he can. He parks the car and gives me a look as if to say Lucas might die after this appointment. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“Alright, we’re here,” Hunter says while unlocking the car. “I’ll come to pick you up after I drop Alex off. You sure you will be okay, Rachel?”

Rachel scowls at Hunter while Lucas helps her out of the car. “Yeah,” she says darkly.

Yep, she will be fine. Lucas on the other hand…

“Alright, have fun!” I call while Lucas slams the door shut.

Hunter sighs and I turn to him, watching him shake his head. “She will definitely not have any fun. Lucas is going to drive her crazy.”

I make a face. “I think he already has.”

Hunter chuckles as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road. I sigh while I lean back in my seat, enjoying the silence of not having Lucas in the back, going over everything Rachel needs to find out during this appointment. As much as we complain about him, Lucas is always on top of everything, which can be quite helpful. He just can be a bit… much.

I watch Hunter pull onto the highway, feeling my stomach twist now with anxiety at having to fly. I always get like this before traveling. I’m always worried about going through security, or forgetting my toothbrush at home. Never mind the fact I can go into a drugstore and buy a two-dollar tooth brush.

“I heard you and Lucas ran into Seth the other day,” Hunter says casually. Too casually. It makes me think he’s been wanting to bring Seth up our entire ride. He just didn’t know how. And bringing Seth up with Rachel in the car is definitely a no-no.

“Yeah,” I say uneasily.

“How was he?”

I shrug. “He looked tired. Maybe a bit hungover. His clothes are all wrinkled. I wonder when he will swing by to pick up the rest of his things.”
