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Ican’tbelieveLucasis so adamant about finding out who the father is. We have better things to concern ourselves with. Such as getting a crib, baby proofing the place, ensuring I am healthy enough to deliver the baby. Why is he so invested, anyway? So what if my little bun is Hunter’s or Seth’s? They will still be a part of the family, no matter what.

He’s being selfish. That’s what it is. He wants to discover who the father is, because he doesn’t want Seth to be the father. I have no clue what, but I know it’s that. I don’t care who the father is. I just want my baby to be healthy. And I want the birthing process to go smoothly.

“Maybe we should figure out a way to get you to rest more,” Lucas says randomly as Hunter turns onto our road. “You should try to limit your stress.”

You’re the one who’s adding to it, is what I want to say, but that would be rude. He’s just trying to help. But he’s driving me crazy. If Hunter or Alex would have gone to my appointment with me, I wouldn’t have left so angry. They wouldn’t have been talking about paternal tests, or asking a million questions.

Ugh. Now I have a headache. And my dizziness is back. Wonderful.

“I think, maybe, it’s time for you to quit your job.”

What in the actual fuck? I turn around in my seat, which only increases my dizziness. “Why?” I ask angrily.

Lucas shrugs. “It’s just creating more stress for you. You have to go to class, so why not quit work?”

“I already reduced my hours,” I say, my hands fisting. Oh, how I wish we had a punching bag at home, or in the car.

“Exactly. I don’t see the point in working any longer. I can provide for you.”

“I don’t want you to provide for me, Lucas. I enjoy my job.”

Lucas scowls at me. “It’s just a suggestion, Rachel. You don’t have to get so snippy with me.”

I turn around and close my eyes, counting to ten to calm myself down. Lucas loves me. He’s just trying to look out for me. However, I am not a baby who needs to be coddled. I am a grown ass woman who can take care of herself. I wish he would see that.

“I’m not quitting my job,” I say while opening my eyes. The trees ahead of us look blurry. I need to lay down once we get inside. I think that will make me feel better. Today has been too much with Alex leaving for Chicago and Lucas aggravating me in the doctor’s office.

“Fine,” Lucas says tersely. “It was just a suggestion.”

“Your suggestion has been noted.”

Hunter clears his throat and he places a hand on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Can I go with you for the next appointment?”

I smile at him while I lace my fingers with his. “Please, do.”

Through the mirror, I see Lucas roll his eyes. We pull into our driveway and I ease myself out of the car and waddle toward the door. I grimace at the pain in my back, I’m only in my sixth month. This is all going to get so much worse in the third trimester. I feel like I’m a walking house and all I want to do when I get inside is lay down on the couch and have someone massage my feet. I doubt Lucas will be so kind.

“We’re back!” I call as soon as I enter, only to realize Alex is gone, and Seth refuses to come home.

I know this. It’s been several days since I last saw Seth. I don’t know if it’s the hormones, or maybe everything is hitting me at once, but tears begin streaming down my face when no-one answers my call. What is wrong with me? Did I think Seth would suddenly pop out of nowhere and forgive me and tell me everything is going to be alright? Of course not. He’s not the type. He’s going to hate me until the day he dies. Most likely even longer.

As I walk into the living room, I fumble for my phone inside my purse, bumping up against the cup inside. I search for Seth’s number. I tried calling him a few days ago, but he didn’t answer. I wonder if he will pick up now. Maybe if I apologize properly to him. Or, maybe, it would be better if I have Hunter drive me to Fleet Feet. He’s probably working now. Going in person to apologize makes more of a statement than calling him.

I’m just so done with the drama. I want all of this to be over. Even if he does decide he doesn’t want to be with me anymore, then at least I know, and he can get his things. I can stop looking into his room, hoping he has come home.

My phone buzzes and I notice it’s my mother. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. Should I answer this? Do I really want to deal with her today?

Apparently, yes, because my thumb slides to the green button without me realizing, and before I know it, I hear, “Rachey! How are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“I’m fine, Mom,” I say tentatively, wondering what it is she’s calling me about today. Maybe Bryan broke up with her, but she sounds too peppy for that to be the case.

“I was just calling to see if you received your invitation?”

I frown. “My invitation?” I repeat.

I turn around just as Mom says, “Yes, your wedding invitation! I sent them out last week.”
