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Seth’s mouth snaps close. I wonder if he’s heard me correctly so I decide to continue on, mostly because I’m finding it quite difficult to keep my mouth shut. “I don’t know all the details. Hunter is with her in the hospital. Lucas is either on his way or already there. Apparently she lost her vision and had stomach pains. They think she’s having a miscarriage.”

Seth’s eyes widen and his fists tremble. “A miscarriage?” He repeats shakily.

I bob my head. “We’ve been trying to contact you all day, but no one knew where you were.”

“I was here,” Seth croaks, his eyes glimmering with tears. “Is she going to be okay?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I breathe.

Seth grimaces and in that moment, I don’t care if we’re not in a relationship. My feet take me to him and I find myself wrapping my arms around him. I expect him to push me away. My heart stops when I feel his hands clinging to me. His body trembles, but I don’t hear any sobs, nor do I see any tears. He stares at my chest, seeing through it, and I wonder if he’s imagining Rachel just as I do—scared, lying on the hospital bed, her face devoid of any color, looking absolutely afraid of the unknown.

“I’m such an idiot,” Seth rasps while releasing me.

My arms fall away from him and I watch as he takes a step back. His hands run shakily through his hair and I watch him shake his head.

“Am I the reason why she’s having a miscarriage?”

“No,” I say instantly, stepping toward him, wanting to pull him toward me and ease all his fears.

Instead, I keep myself still. Honestly, I don’t know if the stress from Seth leaving is the reason why she’s going through all this. But I’m going to assume it’s not. It has to be something else. The whole ‘losing vision’ thing has me spinning. That’s definitely not a normal miscarriage symptom.

“We’ll find out when we get to the hospital, but we should go now.” I reach for his hand, but he bats me away.

I clench my jaw to keep myself from saying anything, but I doubt I can keep the hurt from my eyes. Seth grabs his bag and stuffs his towel inside it. His eyes meet mine, hard and yet sad all at the same time.

“Alright,” he says as confidently as he can muster, “let’s go.”

I don’t have time to feel happy at the fact he’s actually going to the hospital. Instead, I turn around and guide him out of the lockers and up the field toward the road. We’ll have to take the bus, but at least he’s coming with me.

The sky is nearly completely dark. The only sound I can hear is the swishing of the grass made by me and Seth. The bus stop isn’t that far away, but I keep glancing over my shoulder, fearing Seth will change his mind. His gaze doesn’t meet mine. He holds onto his bag with a white knuckled grip. His gaze remains on the ground. He’ll come, I reassure myself. He will see Rachel, and we can hopefully put all this behind us.

I only hope we’re not too late and I beg all the spiritual beings above that her baby is fine and healthy.

Chapter 25


There’sanannoyingbeepingsound making my head ache. I groan, willing it away, but it continues on, over and over again. It doesn’t sound like my alarm clock. It reminds me more of what I hear in movies or on TV, when a character suddenly becomes ill and needs to go to the hospital. What is that thing called again? A heart monitor?

I blink open my eyes, grimacing as a bright light assaults me. The beeping continues, but my vision blurs. I groan, trying to shake the dizziness from me. As my gaze straightens, I realize I’m not in my room. This bed isn’t mine, and I am indeed hooked up to a monitor. I bite my lip and quickly look away when I see the IV in my arm. Memories flood me. I can feel Hunter’s hands on me as he carried me to the car. I can hear the fear in Lucas’s voice.

Looking around the room, I see that I’m alone. No one is here with me. Maybe they went to go get some coffee? How long have I been here? My eyes snap open and I shift in my bed, hissing at the dull ache on my right side. I press a hand against it, instantly regretting my quick movements. Worry seeps through me and my heart slams in my chest. The doctors didn’t fix the pain in my side. Are we all waiting for me to have my miscarriage? Is that what this is? Although, the pain isn’t as sharp as before. That must be a good sign. Maybe the doctors and nurses want to keep me here just to ensure the baby and I are safe and healthy. That would make the most sense.

Despite thinking that, tears still stream down my face. I’m not crying from pain. The pain from before was much stronger. I can also see better and most of my dizziness and headache is gone. But, I’m terrified. I’m terrified there is something gravely wrong with me and the baby. I don’t want to die. I’m not ready to die. I haven’t even finished college. And, even though I know I’m quite young, and having a child now makes these a bit harder, I still want my baby to live. I want to raise this child with the bros. I want us all to be a family.

The door swings open and I quickly wipe my tears. Dr. Adams smiles back at me as she closes the door and leans against it.

“Hello, Miss Miller,” she says sweetly while tilting her head. “How are you feeling?”

I inhale deeply and force a smile. “A bit tired.”

“I bet.” Dr. Adams kicks away from the door. I watch her grab an empty chair in the far corner and drag it next to me. “You gave us all quite the scare.”

“I think I scared myself even more,” I say shakily with an awkward chuckle. I push my hair away from my face, grimacing at the greasy feel of it in between my fingers. How long have I been here? Long enough that I need to take a shower. That’s for sure.

“When can I go home?” I blurt out, watching Dr. Adams’ smile fall slightly.

“Well, I’m afraid you’re not quite out of the woods, yet, Rachel.” Dr. Adams sighs while pulling out some documents from under her arm. “We ran some tests. I don’t know if you remember. You were really out of it.”
