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I purse my lips while trying to remember. I do recall peeing into a cup. They needed to check my protein levels. I think they also took my blood pressure. After they put the IV in me, I think I passed out. I don’t know if they gave me some drugs or perhaps the day was simply too stressful.

“Yeah, I remember,” I say when Dr. Adams continues staring at me expectantly.

She nods and flips through her papers. “So, it’s just what I feared. You have preeclampsia. It’s common in young mothers with their first pregnancy. However, usually it evolves during the third trimester, not the second trimester. Though, I have seen it happen in patients before.” At my bemused look she asks, “Do you know what preeclampsia is?”

I shake my head. Of course not. I’ve never heard of the disease and this is my first pregnancy. I didn’t won’t to stress myself out looking into all the problems that come with being pregnant.

“It’s a high blood pressure condition. The good news is, it’s preeclampsia. However, it has the ability to turn into eclampsia.”

I shrug. “What’s the difference?”

Dr. Adams sighs and her smile completely disappears. “Eclampsia is much worse. It comes with seizures and can be fatal for both mother and baby.” Dr. Adams’ gaze drops to my belly. “We’ll have to keep you in the hospital for a few more days to monitor your condition and ensure your baby is healthy. If your blood pressure goes down to a more stable level, you should be able to go home.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

Dr. Adams smiles tightly. “You may have to remain here until the baby is far enough along for us to perform a C-section.”


Dr. Adams seems to notice my distress, because she rises from her seat and reaches over to take my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Try not to stress. I’m sure you will be able to go home in the next few days. You’re already doing so much better. Your blood pressure has dropped slightly. I will just need you to follow all my treatments precisely, and I’m sure it will drop even more.”

I bob my head. “Okay,” I breathe while blinking away the tears threatening to fall.

“You’ll need to remain on bed rest. Is there still pain in your right side?”

“A little,” I say with a curt nod.

Dr. Adams grabs the blankets and pulls them over me to cover my belly better. “Then you should rest on your left side. It will give you a bit of relief. I will also be administering some blood pressure medicine. The nurses will have you take them in the morning and the evening.”

“Why not put it in the IV?” I ask while glancing at the device.

“Because that’s supplying you with liquids. You were very dehydrated when you came in, Rachel. We’ll also have you on a high protein diet.”

“And if I stick to this, I can go home?”

Dr. Adams nods. “Yes, but you will have to keep up the treatments at home. And, we will need to up your prenatal appointments to twice a week.”

“Twice a week?” I repeat, unable to hide my shock. I already that going once every week was a bit much. Twice a week? I barely have time for school, studies, and work.

“We will have to give you a C-section, Rachel.” Dr. Adams looks at her papers once again, flipping through them quickly before stopping on what she’s been looking for. “Yes. I’m suggesting 34 weeks, which will be around November.”

“November?” I practically shout.

I thought I was having a December baby, but November? How am I going to be able to finish the semester with a baby needing all my attention? I was already worried about finishing my second semester, yet it looks like I won’t even be able to graduate this year.

“Yes,” Dr. Adams says with a nod, not even looking at me. “We can’t do it now because you’re only at the twenty-seven-week mark. The baby isn’t fully grown, yet.”

Honestly, I am totally fine having the baby stay inside me as long as possible. Preferably until December or January. I don’t think I can juggle work and school in November if I have a new-born baby to take care of. On one side, Alex will be here to help me. He won’t be all the way in Germany. However, I was expecting to have more time. We still haven’t bought a crib or set up a baby room.

“Is there any way we can wait until December?” I ask.

Dr. Adams’ head pops up and she gives me a concerned look. “I don’t think that will be possible. If you’re worried about not having a natural birth, you shouldn’t. Many women have C-sections. It’s completely acceptable. You should never feel bad about—”

“No, no,” I say quickly. “That’s not it.” My face heats up as Dr. Adams continues staring at me. Suddenly I feel stupid for bringing up December. Stupid and selfish. “I’m just worried about my school work,” I whisper while dropping my gaze to the blankets bunched around my feet. “I wasn’t expecting all this to happen, and now it looks like I won’t be able to graduate.”

Dr. Adams sighs. I look up, wondering if she’s frustrated with me for asking such a stupid question, but instead, all I see is understanding in her gaze. “Unfortunately, you should always expect the unexpected when it comes to babies and child rearing. Nothing ever goes according to plan. Right now, what is more important is your health, and the health of your baby. Having a C-section is recommended. You don’t want to develop eclampsia, Rachel. Trust me.”

I nod. “Okay,” I whisper.

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