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She’s right. I should listen to her. This is a serious disease not to be taken lightly. Hell, it took my sight away. I thought I was having a miscarriage. I should count my lucky stars that my baby is safe and I’m alive right now.

“Alright, now that I’ve taken the time to tell you the bad news,” Dr. Adams says with a bright smile while walking toward the door, “there are a few visitors here who are demanding to see you.”

The moment she opens the door, I see Hunter, Lucas, Alex, and Seth all waiting for me. Their faces mirror each other—looking earnest and worried. They shove themselves inside, moving as one big group.

Dr. Adams gives me a wink as she heads out the door. “I’ll give you all some privacy.”

She shuts the door while the bros make their way around my bed with Seth standing at my left. Alex stands next to Seth and Hunter stands near my feet with Lucas hovering at my right side. They all stare at me, not saying a word. I smile back at them awkwardly, not knowing what to say.‘Hey guys, sorry a freaked you out, but I’m totally fine, except for this preeclampsia thing’. Yeah, I don’t think that will really work.

“Can you see us?” Hunter asks while placing a hand on my feet. He begins massaging them one at a time while I nod.

“Yes. No one is blurry.”

“And your stomach?” Lucas asks.

I tilt my head from side to side. “There’s an ache, but it’s better. I don’t know if Dr. Adams told you what’s going on?”

Hunter nods. “Yeah, she told me. I tried to fill in everyone else, but it’s been a mess since you passed out.”

“How long have I been out?” I ask, grimacing, not knowing if I’ll like the answer.

“About twelve hours,” Alex says.

“Perhaps more,” Lucas adds.

Well, at least it hasn’t been days.

“It looks like I will be here for a few days,” I say with a long sigh. “And I will most likely have a C-section in November.”

Seth doesn’t say anything, but I feel him shift at my side. I’m surprised he’s here—surprised the bros were actually able to come. Did they drag him here, or did he come on his own volition? He doesn’t have to stay. I know he doesn’t want this baby. Even if the child is his, there are three others willing to be the baby’s father. Seth doesn’t have to stay if he doesn’t want to. I want to tell him that, but part of me doesn’t want to ruin the mood. He looks concerned. He most likely is. I’m sure he still loves me, just not as much as he used to.

And that’s not his fault. It’s mine, for deceiving him, lying to him, betraying his trust.

“A C-section?” Lucas asks, looking even more distraught than before. “And in November? Isn’t that too soon?”

I shrug. “Dr. Adams thinks it’s for the best. She’s worried I about my and the baby’s health.”

“That’s fine,” Hunter says with a curt nod. “We’ll be prepared. I can shift things around at work to help make time to get the crib and whatever else we will need.”

“And I can help with the baby’s room,” Alex adds. “It works out better anyway, because at least then I can see the little trouble maker before I fly out to Germany.” He frowns and hangs his head. “If I can still go.”

My eyes widen and I gasp while I sit up straighter in the bed. “You were supposed to be in Chicago.”

Alex grimaces while he bobs his head. Seth’s gaze shifts briefly to Alex, his interests piqued. “Yeah. I still haven’t called to explain myself.”

“Why didn’t you go?”

“I couldn’t leave you knowing you were in the hospital, Rachel,” Alex says while taking my hand. “We were all so worried.”

“Really?” I ask while glancing in Seth’s direction.

Seth sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. “Really.”

I begin tearing up as I stare at Seth. He’s telling the truth. I can see it in the way he’s looking at me. I sniff and wipe the tears from my eyes. God. I’ve been so sensitive. In the past thirty minutes I think I’ve nearly burst into tears three times? Four times?

Alex glances at Hunter and Lucas and nods toward the door. “Why don’t we give Seth and Rachel some space so they can talk? I need to call Susan Burnt.” He groans while leading the way toward the door. “That’s a talk I’m not looking forward to.”

Lucas sighs and shoots Seth a dirty look before trudging toward the door, following Alex outside. Hunter squeezes my foot before giving Seth a nod. I watch him go, wishing he could stay and continue massaging my feet. The door swings shut, leaving Seth and me in complete silence.
