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“That’s terrible.”

Well, at least Susan understands why I’m so worried and went into freak out mode.

“But you still should have called me.”

I grimace. “I know. I’m so sorry, Susan.”

“People are pissed, Alex. I’m pissed. My boss is pissed. The photographers are pissed. You wasted a lot of people’s time.”

“I know,” I say, trying to sound as sorry as possible.

I know I fucked this up. There’s no way I can go to Hamburg now. I guess I should start studying for the GAMSAT again. I should have known I couldn’t make this work.

“We don’t know if we can trust you to be here next time, Alex. You really let us down.”

I inhale deeply and count to ten in a vain attempt to calm my pounding heart and the tears welling in my eyes. I didn’t get any sleep last night. That must be why I’m feeling so sensitive. “I completely understand, Susan. And thank you for the opportunity. I know I didn’t really make much of myself, but still, thank you for thinking of me.”

There’s a long sigh, followed by a frustrated, “Wait, Alex.”

My hand tightens on my phone and I say shakily, “Yes?”

She groans and I can practically see her tousling her hair while scowling. “There’s another photoshoot in LA during the last week of October. It’s for four days. Come, and you may still have a chance at Hamburg.”

“Really?” I can’t believe I’m getting a second chance. Is she pulling my leg? Why is she being so nice?

“Yes, really!” Susan shouts. “And you better fucking be here, or else I’m flying my ass all the way out to Colorado to yell at you in person. You hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” I say, unable to stop smiling. I’m getting another chance. I can’t believe it. How am I so lucky? I really thought I was fucked.

“This is your last chance, Alex. Don’t fuck it up.”

I nod. “I won’t.”

“And Alex,” Susan says, pausing for a moment before asking, “is your girlfriend alright now?”

I’m so taken aback by the worry in her voice, I have no clue what to say. “Y-yeah,” I stutter. “She’s going to be fine, they say. She may have to be on bed rest.”

“Try not to worry too much,” Susan says, sounding more like a caring mother rather than a cranky manager. “My sister had preeclampsia and she ended up having a healthy baby boy. Just make sure you follow everything her doctor says, okay? It’ll be alright.”

I blink away the tears and nod my head. “Yeah. I will.”

The door swings open just as I hang up and I turn around, finding Seth hovering outside the door, staring at me with swollen red eyes. He doesn’t say anything, and I’m suddenly reminded of how I held him in the locker room, how I wanted to do more for him, but couldn’t. Is this awkwardness always going to be there between us? Is this our new normal?

“Where did Lucas and Hunter go?” Seth asks with an uneasy smile. He looks down the hallway before facing me.

“They went for food and coffee,” I say, my voice sounding hoarse to my ears. I clear my throat and say with more confidence, “Lucas saw a nice cafe in the area. He thought Rachel would like some waffles.”

Seth grimaces. “Is she even allowed waffles?”

“I have no idea. Probably not.”

Seth steps away from the door. He crosses his arms as he stands before me, his gaze flicking from me to the floor. “How was your call? Were you able to explain the situation?”

“Surprisingly, they told me to come to LA at the end of the month.”

Seth’s eyes widen and I inwardly curse myself for finding his expressions so cute. “Really?” He asks. “They didn’t fire you?”

I shrug. “I’m just as surprised as you are.”
