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“I guess they really like you.”

I wouldn’t say that about Susan. I think she likes me just as much as she likes any other model. In this case, she could empathize with my worry for Rachel. I think that’s why she decided to cut me some slack. Otherwise, she would have dropped me immediately. Although, I’m still quite surprised she picked up the phone. I don’t think she would have done that with the other models she works with. If I ask her, I know she won’t answer. Susan will probably yell at me to get back to work, or to stop focusing on insignificant things. She is pragmatic like that.

“Hey,” Seth starts while rubbing the back of his head, “I just wanted to say, I think it’s really cool what you’re doing. You know, with your sport modeling career. I was stupid for being an asshole about it before.” He sighs and my heart swells when he meets my eyes. “I was an asshole before. I should have been more supportive about you pursuing your career. I guess I was just… jealous.”

I nod, because it’s the only thing I can do right now. I don’t trust my voice. He’s giving me that look I’ve always yearned for him to give me in public. But, it’s too late now, I remind myself. That ship has long sailed. There’s no point in going back, in trying to pursue anything with him. I should focus on Rachel and the baby. Seth and I can eventually be friends.


Seth takes another step toward me. He’s closing the distance between us. He’s so close, with one pull he could be in my arms. I don’t dare make a move, knowing I’m tempted. There are too many people around and Lucas and Hunter can return at any moment. Seth will lose his shit and then the moment will be ruined. It’s better to not read into this.

But the way he’s looking at me makes me want to fall into his embrace and never let him go.

“A-Alex,” Seth says, his brows pinching together with concern. There’s a worried note in his tone and for a brief second, I allow myself to hope. “Do you think there is any way we can start over?”

I must be dreaming. “Start over?” I ask, worried I’m getting his meaning wrong. He means as friends, right?

Then why is he grabbing my hands? Why is lacing his fingers with mine? Friends don’t do this sort of thing and it has my heart slamming in my throat, nearly bursting out of my chest.

“I want a redo,” Seth whispers. “Everything was perfect during the summer, but I had no clue how to be good to you once we returned to Aurora. I-I know I hurt you.” His gaze dips to the floor. “And I know I was an asshole, but is there any way you can give me another chance at this? At being… more than just friends or rivals?”

This is what I’ve wanted for the last two months—ever since we returned. Yet, I can’t help but worry things are going to return to the way they were, with us sneaking around, not telling Lucas and Hunter what’s really going on.

“I-I don’t know,” I force out.

Seth grimaces, looking like he’s just been stabbed in the heart with a sharp blade. “Oh, okay,” he breathes.

“I just don’t want to hide anymore, Seth.” I clench my jaw—biting back the tears threatening to erupt. “I don’t want to be sneaking around Lucas and Hunter. I want a real relationship.”

Seth pulls me toward him. He goes up on his tiptoes. His lips are a hair’s breadth from mine and I find myself unable to look anywhere else, but at him. “And I want you,” Seth whispers before claiming my lips.

My heart stops. I stare at him wide eyed as he kisses me. I can’t believe he’s doing it here and now, in front of the doctors and nurses. Part of me worries I forced him out of the closet. The other part of me is happy—too happy. I can’t believe he’s actually kissing me. And it’s way better than before, because now I know we don’t have to hide. We can be together and I no longer have to worry about him hating our relationship.

My eyes flutter close and I kiss him back, my arms circling his waist and pulling him close. His tongue parts my lips and slips inside, entangling itself with my tongue and seducing it into a dance I know so very well. I groan when I feel him pressing against me. My fingers dig into his back, holding him to me, hoping he never pulls away.

“Okay, what is this?”

I ignore the voice for a moment, until my eyes snap open when I realize it’s Lucas’s voice I’m hearing and not a stranger’s. I wrench my lips from Seth’s and the both of us turn, finding Hunter and Lucas holding brown paper bags and a tray of five small coffee cups. Hunter and Lucas stare at us wide eyed, looking between us as if we’ve suddenly sprouted five heads and a tail.

And then, I’m suddenly searching for an excuse, trying to decide on which one they’d buy: Seth wanted me to try a new lollipop flavor, but he dropped the lollipop. Or, Seth suddenly stopped breathing and I had to give him mouth-to-mouth. Of course, both sound ridiculous, but I’m run-in on about two hours of sleep and no coffee.

Before I can open my mouth, Seth perks up and pulls me closer to him. “Alex and I have been dating for a while now.”

“What?” Lucas shouts, nearly dropping the bag of food.

Hunter can’t stop looking between us. His eyes are so wide they may pop out of his head.

“Yeah, I’m probably bi,” Seth continues, “but I’m not really into labels, and I don’t know if this is just an Alex thing, or if I’m interested in other men.”

Lucas gapes at me. “Are you bi, too?”

I shrug. “Not really into labels either. But, probably.” I tap my chin. “I haven’t really put much thought into it.”

“How long has this been going on?” Hunter asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seth and I shrug.

“Since the summer,” Seth says at the same time I say, “Seth kissed me last Thanksgiving.”

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