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I’mfinallygoinghome.I can’t believe my blood pressure has gone down and I can finally be home, in my own room. I still have to be on bed rest. Even though I have been following of Dr. Adams treatments, including eating exactly what is on my meal plan for the week, there is still a dull ache in my right side. Dr. Adams told me I will probably have it until the c-section, which I am not looking forward to. I’ve gotten used to the idea of having a baby in a little more than a month, however a c-section is a pretty serious surgery and there are so many things that can go wrong. Dr. Adams has assured me, but I can’t stop my mind from going to dark places.

At least I get to go home.

“So, your next prenatal appointment is in two days,” says Lucas while look at the calendar on his phone.

Lucas sits next to me in the back, holding my hand while adding all my appointments into my phone. Hunter is busy driving in the front. Seth is at work and I believe Alex is preparing for his photoshoot in LA which will be taking place in about two weeks. And what I mean by preparing is washing his face and making sure his body remains fit—like he really needs to put much focus in that area. Alex looks pretty damn good for a guy who no longer races.

My smile widens when we pull up to the house. As soon as the car is parked, I throw open the door and try to ease myself onto my feet.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Lucas shouts while jumping out of the car and running to the trunk. “I got you a wheelchair. I don’t think you should be walking.”

I give him a look that could kill. “What?”

Lucas grimaces and I can tell he’s already regretting his words. “It’s just… Dr. Adams says you should limit your stress.”

“I doubt walking will add any stress,” I say with a dark scowl. “Walking is actually good for pregnant women.”

Lucas makes a face. “Yeah, but…”

Hunter’s arms wrap around me and before I can complain, he has me hoisted into his arms and is carrying me inside. “No more fighting, you two,” he grunts. I try not to be irritated by the strain in his face. I’m pregnant. So what if I’m a bit bigger than I used to be?

I rest my head against Hunter’s shoulder and release a happy sigh. “Well, I suppose this is better than the wheelchair.”

Hunter chuckles and the door swings open, displaying Seth and Alex, who smile mischievously at me.

“We have a surprise,” Alex says in a sing-song tone.

“A big one,” Seth adds while waggling his eyebrows.

I giggle as Seth and Alex part, loving how these two have been getting along. Of course, it’s only been a few days, yet I can tell how happy they are. Lucas and Hunter seem to be okay with their relationship, but I knew they would be. They never stuck me as the homophobic types.

My eyes widen as I see Lauren and Charlie standing in the living room. Pastel pink balloons litter the floor. A ‘We’re Having a Girl’ banner hangs from the ceiling above the couch and I see a table filled with presents wrapped in frilly pink bows and sparkly wrapping paper. Mike hovers near the present table. On the other side of him is the kitchen table littered with pink cupcakes and macaroons.

“Surprise!” Charlie and Lauren shout in unison while jumping up and down.

“Welcome home!” Mike shouts nervously while holding a cupcake up high.

“Oh, wow,” I breathe while Hunter gently lowers me to the floor. “What’s all this?”

“Your surprise baby shower,” announces Charlie.

“And your welcome home party,” Lauren adds.

“It looks amazing,” I say while stepping deeper into the living room.

“Come sit down,” Lauren sighs while guiding me into the couch and helping me sit. “Which would you prefer first? Presents or cupcakes?” She frowns and turns to Hunter. “Can she have cupcakes?”

I glance over my shoulder, sticking out my bottom lip, hoping he gives the go ahead. Hunter sighs and plants his hands on his hips. “One,” he relents. “And only one.”

“Also, she should be in bed,” Lucas says while kicking the door close. “So an hour max and then to bed with you.”

I roll my eyes, but I know they mean well. I really should be in bed. Alex and Seth sit on either side of me. Seth wraps his arm around my shoulders while Alex rests his head against my head. I lean into their touch while Charlie and Lauren bicker about which present to give me first.

“Here’s a cupcake,” Mike says awkwardly while handing me the creamy dessert. It’s actually pretty small, so I don’t think it will do much harm.

Mike glances between me, Alex, and Seth before moving his gaze toward Hunter and Lucas lingering behind me. I nearly forgot. Lucas and Seth told me Mike figured out our little secret due to Lucas’s book. That must be why Mike is acting so weird.

“So… how have you been?” Mike asks nervously. “I heard you were in the hospital.”
