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She frowns, but masks it quickly. “My classes are harder this year.”

“How would you know that? Your classes don’t start until tomorrow.”

Groaning loudly, she pulls the car over to the side of the road and puts it in park. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?” Her words are sharp but there is no venom in her tone. After a few seconds of silence, she sighs. “I didn’t want to break up with him, but I had to.”

“Huh? Why?”

She turns to face me and I can see the pain in her eyes. “I have a crush on Caleb.”

“Caleb?!” I shout. “No. No, no, no. You can’t. Jo, they’re best friends.”

“You think I don’t know that?!” She throws her hands in the air frustratedly. “It’s not like I wanted this to happen. I never thought it would, but then they started living together and I spent so much time around him. It just, happened.”

If Jason knew she broke up with him because of Caleb, he would be devastated – more so than he already is. He trusts that guy with his life, and even though this isn’t necessarily Caleb’s fault, he would never be able to look at him the same way.

“Did your feelings for Caleb just replace your feelings for Jason?” I inquire.

She shakes her head. “Not at all. I still really like Jason, but me having feelings for Caleb isn’t fair to him. He deserves someone who only has eyes for him.” A tear slips out of her eye and slides down her cheek.

A part of me considers telling her what Jason said, but I don’t think it would help at all. I reach over and put my hand on her shoulder, showing her I’m not mad and that I’m here for her. “What are you going to do, love?”

“Focus on myself and try to get over it, I guess.”

“So, you’re not going to act on it?”

Her eyes widen. “No, of course not.”

I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Okay good, because I don’t think I can handle seeing their friendship crumble.”

“I’d never do that to them. They’re practically brothers.”

“The most obnoxious kind of brothers.”

She smiles sadly. “Obnoxious, but adorable.”

I’M LYING IN BED, trying to fall asleep but having no luck. Even cuddling with the teddy bear isn’t helping. I turn my head and look at the alarm clock. 2:37 AM. I’ve been tossing and turning for over two hours now. I never realized it would be this difficult to sleep alone.

I grab my phone off the nightstand and compose a quick text message.

Me: I miss you.

Within a couple of seconds, I’m startled when my phone rings – a video call from Holden flashing on the screen. I answer it, and use the bear to prop my phone up on the bed. My fiancé’s face appears. He’s lying in bed as well, looking just as awake as I am.

“Can’t sleep?” He asks, smiling as soon as he sees me.

“Not even a little.” I answer.

He nods slightly. “I guess we should have expected this. We haven’t slept in separate beds since April.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Me either.”

The two of us talk about Jo, Jason, and what Boston is like. Within minutes, we’re both yawning and finally tired enough to sleep. We end up staying quiet, just looking at each other through a screen and watching the other’s eyes droop closed.

“Should we hang up?”

He tiredly shakes his head. “No. I want your face to be the last thing I see tonight.”
