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Holden: Thanks. Love you. ??

Me: Love you more.

Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I take one of the few anti-nausea pills I have left and grab my books. Caleb will be here any minute to drive me to campus.

FRIDAY COMES QUICKLY, AND I’m thankful for it because it means I get to see Holden. The appointment has me a nervous wreck, but as long as he’s by my side, I know I’ll be okay. I’ve basically been tucked away in my apartment, only leaving for school and work. The nausea is still intense, but I’ve also been avoiding Skylar and Bree. One look at me and they’ll know something is up. For now, we’ve still been telling people it’s stomach issues and stress.

Holden’s flight lands a half hour before the appointment. I get ready and then drive to the airport to pick him up. He smiles as soon as he sees me, and gives me a kiss as I walk from the driver’s side of the car to the passenger’s. Once we’re buckled, he pulls away in route of the doctor’s office.

We get there just in time, and the receptionist hands me a clipboard of paperwork to fill out. It asks all kinds of in-depth questions such as my medical history and family medical history. I cringe at the question asking if I’ve ever done recreational drugs. Holden senses my discomfort and glances over to see what I’m looking at.

“Just lie.”

“What? You can’t do that.”

He shrugs. “Why not? You don’t do it anymore. You’ve been clean for over a year, babe.”

Maybe he’s right. There’s no need to subject myself to judgmental looks if it isn’t relevant anymore. Besides, my age is enough for them to be skeptical of.

Once I’m done filling out the paperwork, I hand it back to the secretary and the nurse takes Holden and I back into a room. She has me pee in a cup, which is always one of the most awkward things ever, but she needs to run a pregnancy test. Holden watches as the stick turns blue and smiles.

“No doubt about it. You’re definitely pregnant.” She tells us, then she takes my blood pressure and other vitals. “The doctor will be in shortly.”

We both thank her and watch the door close. My fiancé reaches over and holds my hand, squeezing it for comfort. I’ll never understand how he can calm me down with the simplest touch.

A knock at the door has us both looking up before it opens.

“Kayleigh Jacobs?” Dr. Medina asks and I nod. “It’s nice to meet you.” She turns to Holden. “And you are?”

“Holden Rivers, her fiancé.”

“Ah, the university hockey prodigy. I thought you looked familiar.”

My fiancé smiles politely, then winks at me as soon as she turns away.

“Okay.” The doctor begins. “Well, the test we ran is definitely positive, so congratulations. Do you know when your last period was?”

I repeat the same thing I told the receptionist. “I

think it was in August, but I remember it being really light, so I’m not sure.”

She hums. “Could have been implantation bleeding. I’m going to give you an exam, and then we’ll go do an ultrasound.”

The pap-smear is uncomfortable, but nothing I’m not used to. Holden sits patiently and rubs his thumb over my hand when I wince. After she’s done, I clean myself up and we follow Dr. Medina to a very small and dark room. The screen from the ultrasound machine is the only thing providing any light.

“Alright, Kayleigh. Just lie down here and lift up your shirt.” I do as she says, and Holden stands next to the bed. “I’m going to try with this one, but if we can’t see anything, we’ll have to switch to an internal ultrasound.”

“That sounds pleasant.” I quip, and both the doctor and my fiancé chuckle.

The gel is cold on my stomach, but as soon as she places the transponder on me the breath is sucked out of my lungs. On the screen is the tiniest little thing. You can just make out the shape of a baby. A little white flicker appears closer to the middle of the figure.

I look over at Holden to see him staring at the screen, tearing up. He makes eye contact with me and smiles, bending down to kiss my forehead. The doctor clicks a few things, taking measurements.

“It looks like you’re approximately ten weeks along.” She tells me and I start to panic.

“T-ten weeks? I’ve only known for two.” My actions over that time play through my head. The Bahamas, Dawson’s wedding, the Kappa party – I didn’t know. “I’ve had alcohol within the last ten weeks.”

“That’s okay. As long as it wasn’t anything excessive you should be fine, but no more.”
