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Blake’s face turned to anguish as his eyes widened and just as his mouth opened, I turned...

And felt a searing pain as something hit my side. I screamed as the pain spread through my torso, like a snake had wormed its way inside me and darting around. The agony spreading as fast as light up to my head and down my feet. Pain engulfing my body in a way I recalled.

From the past.

But as darkness enveloped me, the pain disappeared and as each life flashed before my eyes; I knew then there was nothing more for me in this life.

Seb had killed me again. I was dying... once again.

I closed my eyes; I was ready to start again.

Chapter 42


Hehaddoneitagain, plunged a knife into the body of my fated mate.

My stomach curled as her golden wings dropped and her ruinous body tumbled to the ground below. Kane blasted upwards to catch her as I swooped down to stop her fall. I caught her under her arms, her golden wings depleted of life, as did her body. Kane caught her legs, and we worked together to place her gently on the floor.

Kane stared at me, his wings slowly disappearing as though he was telling me this was over for him. I turned and glanced up at the sky. Seb hovered in the same place, his wings covering his face. He knew what this meant.

He’d killed his love again...

If he wanted Lacey, he had to start again.

“Save her,” Kane said. His voice low and soft. “Aria needs her mother.” He didn’t look at me, his tear filled gaze was purely for Lacey.

Lacey’s face was still. There were no flickers or signs of life, and she had gone a deadly shade of white. Her eyes closed, her pink lips were turning into a tone of lilac as her life ebbed from her.

“Please,” Kane pleaded.

I didn’t want Lacey to die, but what would it mean if I let her live? Would she choose them?

I wanted to make some conditions, but I also wanted to save her life as soon as I could.

“I need the knife,” I said, feeling the air and knowing Seb was getting closer. “Once it’s done, she’ll be bonded to me in a way she’ll never be able to break.”

Kane nodded.

“Knife,” he stood and shouted up to Seb. “Now or she dies and I will make sure your life is hell in the next life.”

Seb swooped down, his feet landed on the ground with a heavy thud, bending his knees to take the impact of his heavy and quick landing. He retracted his wings as he strode toward us. He glowered at me, but a heavy sob released from deep within his chest as he looked at Lacey, fell on his knees, and then looked upwards.

I had a feeling he was silently talking to her, begging her for forgiveness, because Seb had always had a deep connection with Lacey. His love for her was apparent now, as it always was.

Finally, he let out a strangled cry. I knew he didn’t do this on purpose and could hardly blame him for wanting to get rid of me. But I couldn’t decide if I wanted to wait and see what Kane did to Seb because I knew by the glare he was giving to Seb he was about to kill him.

I felt the same because, as much as I knew, he hadn’t done it on purpose. He knew Clay concealed the knives away safely to always protect her.

I would deal with Seb later because right now, Lacey needed me.

“Stay awake, Lacey. Aria needs you. I need you,” Kane begged, taking hold of Lacey’s hand, stroking his thumb over the top of her knuckles.

He glanced a quick look at me. Pleading eyes, he knew I was the only one who could now save her.

“Help me get her into my home and then you both can leave,” I said. My voice was a low grunt because I didn’t want either of them anywhere near her or near my home.

“She isn’t staying with you,” Kane growled.
