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“She’s dying. Don’t tell me what is going to happen,” I grunted back. “She is only going to live if I get her in a safe place and perform the blood bond.”

Lacey was everything to me. There was no way I was helping her live to give her back. Not that I needed to tell Kane or worse Seb that right now. Especially as Seb still held the knife in his hand. And I should be terrified of that right now, but...

“If you don’t give me the knife to save her, I will stop you from appearing in her next life.” My words were to Seb because I knew he was contemplating letting her die, killing himself, to live another life again.

“Give him the fucking knife,” Kane growled.

And I knew Kane didn’t want Lacey to die again. They had a child. He would be in a terrible predicament... choose the woman who he loved or the child he adored?

“You take it,” I said to Kane, nodding to the knife as I picked Lacey up in both my arms, placing a firm hand over the wound to stop the bleeding, and strode quickly to my home.

Her body was like a rag-doll with no bones as I placed her on the enormous bed and ripped off the remnants of her already shredded top and inspected the wound.

I didn’t turn around to see Kane and Seb, but I knew they were standing behind me. “Leave the knife on the side and leave. I’ll contact you if I need to.”

“I want to see what you’re going to do,” Seb said. His tone was suspicious, which I found annoying considering Lacey was nearly dead because of his actions, not mine.

I took hold of the knife and walked away to clean the knife. Kane stayed with Lacey as Seb followed me.

“You’ve got a nerve." My tone was as deep and mean as the devil I was.

“I didn’t mean to harm Lacey. I meant to kill you,” Seb hissed. “Why did I never realise it was always you? I should have realised the gods wouldn’t have sent another angel to look after Lacey.”

“You realised in the end.” I placed the sterilised knife on a cloth, with some sterilising fluid and bandages for Lacey’s wound. “You wouldn’t have come today if you hadn’t.”

“Everything clicked into place. You knew things we didn’t, you and Jack, the episode with the vampire king. Lacey said he was almost afraid of you. I should have put it together back then, but when I really should have put it together was when you insisted on me telling Lacey who I was, showing my angel to her, telling her I was a fallen angel...”

I nodded and smirked. “It was the easiest way to bind as the dark king. It relaxed her knowing you and Kane are angel shifters. She thought your angel was sexy and wanted to see mine... of course I was happy to assist.”

Seb hissed under his breath. “Why did you try to kill Carter? You knew he and Ryan weren’t fated mates.”

“Because I wanted her to see how powerful I really was. And I was angry she was pregnant, and I wrongly assumed it was Carter’s baby. I saved the baby’s life when she had the motorbike accident and could smell she was pregnant at her ceremony. I was angry about the potential Carter was also a fated mate. My judgement was clouded. But I could never have harmed her baby.”

Seb’s eyes opened wide as he realised. “You always knew, her and Kane kept it hidden from everyone else, but you knew?”

“Oh, they did an amazing job of hiding it, but I knew she was pregnant before she did.”

“And the demon?” Seb asked as we walked back to the bedroom. Kane was holding Lacey’s hand and waiting for me to save her.

I placed the sterilised knife on the bedside cabinet and picked up the cleaning fluid and clean cloth and gently dabbed at the knife wound on Lacey’s side. Pressing a hand against her stomach. I sighed with relief at the feeling of the life of my child still beating inside her.

I couldn’t tell Kane and Seb that just yet. I’m sure Seb would pick the knife up and plunge it into me, and then him.

After cleaning Lacey’s wound, I propped her shoulder up on the side of the injury and turned to face Kane and Seb once more.

“I wanted you and Kane to know I was back. You should have believed her when I saved her after the motorbike accident. You should have believed her when she said I spoke to her when the demon arrived. Those messages were to you and Kane, and as much as they were to Lacey.”

“We knew you were back,” Seb said, smirking. “The moment I saw Lacey, I knew you were close by, just didn’t know you’d go as far as pretending you were a student, not only that but a potential knight.”

“I’m surprised. A knight was perfect. I even had Jack as a fall guy, if you suspected me. That’s why I let him lead the way.”

“But she chose us.”

“Yeah, I made one mistake.”

“And what was that?” Seb asked.

“Letting you follow her out of the pub that first night, I should have insisted. Everything would have been different if you hadn’t got to her first. I knew the moment that neither of you returned, I had a fight on my hands.”
