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He shook his head.

I wanted so desperately to try as a family, the four of us, our tribe, but I couldn’t hear the rejection again. I smiled. “Then I’ll contact you when he’s born. So you can meet your son.”

Blake swallowed and nodded.

“Thank you for saving Aria... twice,” I said and stopped and stared at him as he nodded lightly. “It’s more than I would have ever expected, considering she isn’t your child.”

“I could harm nothing that was part of you.”

I knew underneath that comment, he also meant Seb. I sighed. “Why not try? Kane and Seb will be happy for me. They accept you.”

I knew straight away he was rejecting me again, and I swallowed a large lump when he shook his head. Instead of letting him see my tears, I looked down as I watched as Aria twisted her body around in my arms and touch my belly. Managing to withhold the tears, I glanced up as watched as Blake looked at Aria and smiled.

“She already loves her brother,” I said. “She touches my belly all the time.”

“She’s like you, spirited. She'll have a kind heart.”

Tears laced my eyes, but I smiled at that.

“I need to go,” he said, rushing off down the corridor and disappearing around a corner.

A sob left my lips, and I collapsed against the wall as Aria wrapped her arms around my neck and I held my cheek to hers.

Then a pain in my stomach grasped me hard, and I looked down to see a sheet of water on the floor.

Four months? How was it possible I could have a baby after four months of pregnancy?

“Blake,” I yelled.

But he didn’t come back. It was Kane who rushed to my side.

“Shit,” Kane said, looking at the puddle on the floor.

“This is normal,” I said. “Blake told me it would be like this.”

He took Aria as a contraction pulsed through me and Clay ushered me to the room next door.

Chapter 49


Thedryleavescrackledbeneath my sandals as the cool late summer air nipped at my cheeks. The weather should be warmer, but that was England for you and we were getting closer to autumn.

Then again, there was no better place when the weather was nice. From the rush of colours in spring as the flowers flourished, to the festival of green leaves turning burnished-gold in the autumn—I won’t talk about winter, my least favourite.

I walked around, holding Dante on my arms as I inhaled a crisp lungful of fresh air mixed with a not so healthy burst of barbecued meats.

In the distance, I saw Jack and Zena coming back from their run. I was happy for both of them. They found each other, though I wasn’t sure how it was going to work for Zena once Gray Trent found out. He’d heard I was pregnant again, and he had gone back to Scotland.

Apparently, he was furious.

“What a fabulous place for a run,” Zena said, picking up a towel from the seat.

“Have a shower. Food will be ready in ten minutes,” I said.

Jack let out a little cheer. “I’m starving.”

“You’re always hungry.” Zena waggled her eyebrows at the same time a squeal rang through the air.
