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“Time and a place, Zena,” I said, arching an eyebrow at my minx friend.

I strolled to Kane, who was sitting on the floor with his legs spread wide. Opposite was Seb, who sat mirroring the same stance, the two men holding their arms out as Aria walked between them.

Her little legs getting faster with each short walk, her arms pumping back and forth in determination.

She reached for Seb, jumping into his hands. He pushed her into the air and she squealed again.

“Back to daddy, Aria,” Kane said.

“She’s with her daddy,” Seb said, squeezing Aria in his arms and kissing the side of her face.

Kane grinned at that. He was fine with Seb, saying his daughter was his. They loved her the same; they loved me the same. Luckily, they loved Dante the same.

I kissed Dante’s head as I watched them. He was a couple of weeks old now and I left word with Blake. He had been born. Nothing yet, that surprised me as I expected him to demand to see him. Perhaps I wanted him to.

A sigh left my lips, the feeling of loss so apparent right now. He could be here, enjoying this. Enjoying his son. Seeing us as a family.

I turned to see Clay standing next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“He’ll come and see him,” Clay said, his tone serious, but sometimes I wished he would stop using this psychic ability we shared. Clay knew my feelings, my fears, my everything. “He’ll be going through hell right now. Literally.”

“I hope he is okay,” I said.

“You’re worried about the dark king?” Clay asked, arching an eyebrow.

Shaking my head from side to side, knowing I was crazy. Then I stared at Dante. “I worry about Blake. I miss him.”

“It’s the bond.”

I knew it was more than the bond. Blake saved my life, stopped me from dying again and getting to live a new life again. He saved Seb’s life, and he did it for me, not for him. He did it for us—I was sure. “It’s more than the bond. I feel he is part of me now. And I know I love my life with Kane and Seb, my children and you and my parents. But there is still a piece of me missing.”

“I’ll deal with it,” Clay said. “There must be an ancient spell. I will find it.”

“No, not yet. I’m not ready to give up yet,” I said.

“Lacey, darling,” I twisted to the voice and smiled.

“Mum, where’s D—”

“Daniel can’t come,” she said, giving me a hug.

“This is getting bloody ridiculous,” Clay yelled. “I’m going to call him.”

“Leave him Clay, he’ll come around in the end,” Mum said. “Can I hold him for a little while?” She held her arms out, and I placed Dante in her arms.

“Food is ready,” Yuri shouted.

There was a rush of activity as everyone ran to the table. Kane ran with Aria on his shoulders. She giggled so hard she almost fell backwards. Then I realised Seb was tickling her ribs from behind.

My daughter was so lucky with her daddies.

“Bread?” Yuri asked, passing the basket around the table.

I shook my head as Clay placed two platefuls of meat on either end of the table; already filled it with various salads.

After having a relaxing lunch of rice and salad, Dante made it known he was ready to eat, too.

“I’ll feed Dante. He’ll be hungry.” I rose from the table. “Enjoy your food.”

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