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“Keep calm, Lacey,” Kane said as he glanced at where my hand lay. His brow furrowed.

“Are you sure everything is okay?” Seb asked.

I nodded and took in a few breaths as I contemplated what was about to happen. How I was about to accuse my uncle, the man who was the leader of the kingdom.

Thinking for such a long time that he was hiding something from me. But the dream, so vivid, so real.

It had to be true.

Storming into Clay’s mansion, I ran down the hallway as much as my belly would allow, shouting his name as loudly as I could.

Yuri came running from a side room. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Where’s Clay?”

“Here,” Clay said, walking down the staircase. I stood and watched as he ever so calmly walked down the rest of the stairs and strolled by me and entered his office. He held out his palm, showing me into the room.

I entered, and he quietly shut the door behind me.

“Did you get rid of my parents?” I hissed.

Clay didn’t answer, but his eyes glowed a golden hue behind the amber. “Calm yourself down Lacey, this is not what you think.”

“I can see you are about to use your magic on me. I can see it and I can feel it. But you won’t succeed,” I hissed.

“I’m not using anything on you, you’re hysterical and the dark king has turned your thoughts,” Clay argued.

“He already said he didn’t kill my parents.”

He motioned his hand for me to take a seat. “You look uncomfortable.”

The door to his office opened and Seb and Kane came in along with Yuri and another man I recognised as a guard. Each of them took a seat at the far end of the room.

“I’ve been having dreams and not about the dark king,” I said.

“Well, you already know the truth,” Clay said. “But I didn’t kill your parents, Lacey.”

“I know, but you are implicit in their disappearance?”

Clay seemed nervous, and that wasn’t Clay. Normally he was a man of stature, some arrogance, but I knew he was also a stubborn bastard when he wanted to be and never backed down.

“I am,” he said.

I swallowed at his words, not expecting him to back down so soon, certainly not to admit his guilt. “And you’ve let me believe a car accident took their lives.”

Clay laughed. “You never believed that. You have been investigating their deaths since the day they left. And why is that?”

I shook my head and squinted at him.

“Because Lacey, you already know.”

I stood up, holding my hips as I walked around the room. The baby seemed to take her naps in the most uncomfortable of places, and I was sure she was kicking at my lungs because my breath stuttered. I felt depleted of air.

I inhaled twice. “You drugged me a second time, didn’t you?”

Clay narrowed his eyes at me, struggling to walk. Then he shook his head, not understanding. But I knew he sedated me and gave me a memory of visiting Carter, but I woke up too early and identified my parents.

“You drugged me again,” I repeated.
