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“Mmm... Possibly.”

“Can you call him, or does he call you?”

Oh, now was Blake trying to catch me out. Because, if Clay found out I called the dark king to talk, I would hear Clay's wrath.

“Your silence speaks volumes.”

“Blake,” I hissed. “Sometimes I like to talk to him...”

“Like to?”

“No, I mean, I like to know what he is thinking. It might come in handy one day.” Blake laughed, not believing a word that I said. “You’re my knight Blake, don’t be telling Clay about this conversation.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said with a laugh and I could imagine him saluting. “You can trust me with anything. I won’t tell a soul.”

“He saved me,” I blurted. “And he advises me on things. It’s really strange, but he doesn’t want me to be hurt. At least, I don’t think he does.”

“He could be trying to lure you in,” Blake said.

I sighed and nodded. “False sense of security.”


“I know. I suppose I’ll trust him until I can’t,” I said.

“It might be too late then,” he said.

“You mean he’ll kill me when I let my guard down?”


I rubbed my palm over my tummy, the growing life inside me. Less than five weeks to go before I meet her and I couldn’t wait. Couldn’t wait because I might only have two more years left of my own life, and she’d be left without a mum—without me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Then I’ll have no choice but to kill him first.”

“But you don’t want to?” I could tell in his tone it was a question rather than a statement.

I should tell Blake that I wanted to kill him so I could avenge Carter’s near death and ongoing sadness. I should, but I couldn’t.

“Why would I?” I couldn’t tell him I secretly enjoyed talking to him and I couldn’t tell him he was teaching me to use my magic. I couldn’t tell anybody—certainly not my knights. Especially as I still had a feeling that he might be Ryan.

Chapter 6


Isnappeduprightinmy bed, my eyes opened wide to the sun bleeding through the gap in the curtains and yet another night of the same dream drifting through my now wide awake body. Pushing the back of my palm over my hairline, moving away a few loose tendrils that had stuck to my sweaty brow.

“Sorry,” I groaned, throwing a hand over my belly. “Did I wake you?”

That dream... the same one... I’d kept it quiet for too long and now it was time to act on it, because slowly over each night I recalled more and more of the memory the next day, and now I knew it wasn’t a dream... my memory had come back to me and I now had enough recollection to know I’d been lied to the whole time.

I untangled myself from the sheets and pushed my feet to the floor, and strode to the bathroom and switched on the shower. After a quick clean and a brush of my teeth, I slipped on some clothes and left my bedroom.

It was time...

Time to confront my uncle once more.

I rubbed my growing, achy stomach as I neared Clay’s house. Kane pulled the car up to the front doors. Glancing around the perfectly manicured lawns, the picture perfect English gardens, filled with a variety of flowers and topiary trees with coloured rose bushes dotted around.
