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“I can’t,” I whispered.

“You can do this, Lacey,” Clay said. “You’re Aurora Lace Summer and you are a goddess. Now get some strength and push when your baby needs it.”

And then it happened. The pain in my stomach gripped me hard within, and it felt like this time there was a knife twisting my body from the inside. There was screaming in the room and I didn’t know if it was mine or the baby.

“One more push and it will all be over,” Dr Collins said, but I couldn’t push anymore. I wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes as I tried to find an ounce of strength.

But there was nothing left.


“No,” I whispered.

No more.

“I can’t do it.”

“Lacey... Lacey... Lac...”

And darkness beckoned me as my name became distant in the dark.

Chapter 7



I stared at my baby as I shoved the tears back that threatened to storm down my face. “Save her,” I growled to Clay.

Seb retched beside me, holding his head between his knees. His shoulders bounced up and down. I held a soothing hand against his back, but I felt just as bad. In every life before this, the sacred knife could only kill her. The same knife that was locked safely away in Clay's safe. Safe from Seb. But pregnancy was the unknown. She'd never had a child before.

The baby cried out as a nurse took her.

“We need to get her vitals back to normal,” Dr Collins shouted. He replaced his gloves and leaned between her legs with an implement that didn’t look nice... or healthy... or painless. “And I need to get this placenta out.”

I looked away, shook my head and took some shaky breaths, but nothing was stopping those tears as they fell hard from my eyes.

I patted my hand on Seb’s writhing back. “Get some fresh air before you throw up.”

He didn’t wait to be asked again, touched Lacey’s face and ran. Clay stood as motionless as a statue in a museum and I knew as I looked at Lacey’s pale face she was weakening.

I was losing her again.

I couldn’t lose her again.

Too many fucking lives now that I’ve lost her and this time it would be my fault and not Seb’s.

I didn’t want to leave Lacey’s side, but I was desperate to hold my baby and as though Clay sensed my pain, he came to his senses and took the baby from the nurse’s arms and placed her in mine.

“Your daughter,” he said, tears sprung from his eyes and trickled down his cheeks as he gazed at her and then at Lacey.

I suppose it was because Lacey was looking peaceful, as though she was sleeping with no care in the world. Hopefully, it wasn’t because she was slipping away from the life she knew.

“Make him save her,” I begged Clay.

“They are doing everything they can.”

Running my teeth across my lip as I stared at him. Clay’s eyes narrowed on me.
