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He settled me on the sofa and I didn’t look up, but heard his footsteps running to the door and beyond.

The pain eased as Seb and Kane ran into the room. I smiled as Kane rubbed my hand as Seb kneeled behind me, massaging my shoulders. I closed my eyes. Relief washed over me as the pain subsided.

“I shouldn’t have let you come here,” Kane said. He stroked my hair, brushing strands from my face.

“We shouldn’t.” Seb turned to Kane. “We should take better care of you.”

I smiled, but knew it was weak. “You are.”

It must have been ten minutes before I tried to stand. “I think I’m alright now. I just want to go home,” I said. But the moment I tried to move, the pain surged through me. I moaned, then yelped, digging my fingers into the material of the sofa as I tried to hold on.

“Shit. What can we do?” Seb asked as Kane took my hand with one of his and the other he pushed my hair from my eye, kissing me quick on the lips.

Clay interrupted the moment. “Sorry, we need to know what is going on. You remember this is Dr Collins, Lacey, and he is going to look after you.”

The man with a thin face and salt and pepper beard crouched down to my prone position on the sofa. He smiled, but I closed my eyes, holding my hand over my stomach.

“Don’t leave me Kane, Seb. Stay,” I begged as a stretcher rolled in. Clay had this whole labour planned.

“We won’t be going anywhere,” Kane said.

“We need to get you to the room we’ve prepared. You can try to walk, or we can put you on the stretcher.”

I was just about to protest again, thinking it was a false labour when another overwhelming contraction hit. The twisting spread across my belly, followed by the worst tightening sensation I’d ever experienced.

“I need something.” I panted through the pain, feeling my body levitate from the sofa as I tried to move my body away from the pain—it didn’t work. “That was worse than the last time.”

“If your baby is like you, you won’t have time for pain relief,” Dr Collins said. “You were the quickest birth I’d ever encountered.”

“That’s because she’s inpatient,” Clay said.

Kane picked me up and put me on the stretcher, the decision taken out of my hands. Seb crouched down and kissed me on my lips.

“You can do this, Lacey,” he whispered. I smiled through gritted teeth and through the burn as they wheeled me down a corridor to a room I knew was going to hide my baby’s birth from the other kingdoms, their leaders and the dark king.

“We’ll get you comfortable and see how far you are, but by the timing of the contractions, it is going to be quick.” Dr Collins stroked my hand, reassuring me. “I’m sorry, but I need to take off your underwear and ask you to open your legs.”


He put a pair of rubber gloves on his hands, the sound of the flexible material rebounded off his hands. “To feel inside for how far you are.”

“You’re kidding. Pregnancy is the pits.” I closed my eyes and sighed.

Dr Collins laughed as another contraction came through, and this one was different. The last two I felt in control, but this one overpowered me, taking over my body, a feeling something else possessed me.

And that’s what each one after that felt like and the sensation grew and zapped my strength.

“You’re doing great, Lacey,” Seb said, as he stroked my head.

“You are. We’re here for you,” Kane said, kissing my cheek.

I didn’t feel it and after an hour of intense cramps; I needed to push, bearing down, and each tired me a little more than the last time, but the doctor comforted me that this would be over soon. More so, the loving words from Kane and Seb helped.

“You’re doing great, Lacey,” Dr Collins said. “We can see the crown. When you feel the urge to push, do it.”

I couldn’t speak. The feeling between my legs was like I was on fire, and I was sure the baby was going to get stuck. I had no stretch left. I felt at full capacity. I gave a light nod.

“One more push, Lacey,” Dr Collins tried to convince me again. “You’ll have your baby soon.”
