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“Of course.” I glanced up at Kane and burst out laughing. “What do you think of the name Aria?”

“Perfect,” he said, and grinned.

“You’re right. She looks like you when you sleep. All peaceful and angelic looking. Hopefully, she isn’t as moody as you when she's awake.”

Kane smiled. “You know I’m not really like that, at least with you.”

I ran my index finger over my daughter’s cheeks, staring at each part of her and uncovering her hands and feet. I needed to see every bit of her.

“I love you, Aria,” I said, kissing her forehead again. I turned to Kane and he smiled at the interaction.

From nowhere, doubts kicked in and I gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Kane asked.

I blinked hard for a moment. “Kane, promise me something,” I said and hesitated for a moment. “Aria has to come first for you now. If I’m ever in danger, send the others and come to her. Even if Clay insists she is fine, I can’t risk her being without at least one of us in her life.”

“Lacey, you will be in her life,” Kane said. “I’ll make sure of that.”

“But promise me regardless, Kane,” I pushed. “She’s first now.”

Kane nodded, but I could see from his face he wasn’t as happy with my decision as I was. But if I was in danger, there was no way I was putting Kane’s life in danger and leaving our child without a parent.

“I’ll take her now, you need to rest more,” Kane said, leaning over me, wrapping her again and with two firm hands, he lifted her with ease and swaddled her in his enormous arms.

I smiled at that. Seeing Kane, all masculine and powerful, very tall with his wide chest and shoulders. Holding our baby, his daughter, as though his life depended on it.

And then it came flooding back...

Closing my eyes for the briefest moment before I acted on it and yanked the wires from my body. “Don’t leave her alone,” I ordered Kane.

“Lacey, don’t... not yet,” Kane said with a shake of his head, and I knew he worried I wasn’t well enough to do this.

“Sorry Kane, it has to be done.”

My footsteps boomed as I stormed down the wooden floored corridor, pushing open doors as I passed and yelling, “Clay!”

“Yes, Lacey,” he said, his voice came from the top of the stairs and was calm as though he hadn't a care in the world.

I twisted in the direction. “I think we were in the middle of a conversation,” I shouted. “One that needs to be finished because I’ve given you what you wanted and now you’re going to give me some answers.”

I was such a fool to fall for all the lies. He told me so many. Having to bind was untrue, having to have a baby again untrue. Everything he claimed was for the kingdom. Nothing was for my benefit.

“Did you open the pendant?” Clay asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs and strolled to his office. He held open the door as he glanced into the room for me to enter first.

“I think I left it here when I went into labour,” I said, stopping and staring at him. I stumbled a little and took a few breaths. My strength hadn’t fully returned.

Clay rushed over, putting one hand on my upper back, and held me close to him. “You should still rest,” he said. “You were in a bad way.”

“I’ll be fine soon.”

“Take a seat.” He walked to the bureau, lowered the lid and took something out and strolled back to me, taking hold of my hand. He turned it and instinctively I opened it wide as he dropped the locked pendant and chain into my hand.

“I need to tell you something,” Clay said. “I need to explain.”

I flicked at the edge of case and glanced another look at Clay and stopped what I was doing for a moment and stared at him. “They’re alive, aren’t they?” I asked.

Clay nodded. “But not how you want them to be,” he said.
