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“Shit,” I said.

“What now?” Kane grumbled.

“Someone call an ambulance. They shot Zena,” I said.

“Fucking hell, does that mean the gunman has found out where they’re hiding?” Kane hissed.

“One of us needs to stay here, in case she comes through the window and two of us need to go in via the front,” Kane said.

“I’ll go to the front and make myself invisible,” Ryan said.

“I’ll go too,” I said. This was it. I was now going to show who I was. But Lacey was mine, and I had to do anything to protect her, even if it meant my secret was about to come out.

“No, I’ll go. You stay here,” Kane said. “Now! We don’t have any time.”

Chapter 12


Myeyeswerewideopen, but there was nothing but a fogginess in my head and a darkness from my eyes. The beats of my heart became erratic, so unstable I thought it could suddenly stop and I’d die from the thought they locked me in a closed box.

A coffin?

Was it a coffin? Was I buried alive?

But it wasn’t a coffin I was lying in. It was too soft underneath me and I had too much air around me, but it felt as though I was floating on top of a cloud.

Was I dead?

I arched my back and realised then I was on top of the best mattress in the world. My head was on a pillow and by then I worked out they’d covered my eyes in soft material.

I'm laid blindfolded on a bed.

I tried to sit up, but couldn’t move more than a slight raise of my head. Moving my hands, I felt a heaviness on my wrists, which were stretched outwards on either side of my head. I tried to raise my legs and now knew there was a binding that weighed my ankles down. I turned my arm and felt a narrow bracelet around each wrist and thumb and again the same around each ankle. Forbidding me from moving, though they felt too flimsy to keep me in place.

My overwhelmed heart missed a few beats, feeling like it was about to fail. But I try to fight the fear and yanked one leg, but it hardly moved. It was like someone invisible was sitting and holding down my legs. The sensation paralysed me, but so did the fear and I tried to catch a breath, but my overburdened lungs felt like each suck in was a choked gasp.

I attempted to kick my legs and lurched forward—nothing I couldn’t move. I tried to move my arms, but the same force was holding me down and I knew then an element in these binds was not as it seemed.

“You’re wasting your time,” he said. His accent was familiar, and I tried to recall the voice. I’d listen intently the next moment he spoke.

I tuned into the noise that came from my left. Heavy footsteps strode determined, each foot picked up perfectly, and got louder and closer. Each step showed he was a dominant force. The scraping sound of a chair joined the footsteps as they both sounded across a hard wooden floor.

As I felt him near, I flinched and my heartbeat thud once more. It was the feeling of helplessness, just knowing he pinned me to a bed, my hands and feet tied to the bedpost with a magic that seemed to have rendered me languid.

“Calm down Miss Summer.” His voice calm and collected, and I knew then it was the king of the vampires at the side of the bed and that alone made my skin crawl as would millions of tiny spiders crawling over me, but I shook that thought away because spiders would be preferable to his man right now.

I thrust my body forward once more. But only my chest heaved, pushing my breasts forward, and then I knew struggling was futile.

“I waited longer than I expected for you to wake,” he said with a purr to his voice, knowing he had the same smug look on his face as he did the day of my ceremony. But maybe this purring was what he did when his eyes didn’t do his work.

“Thank you for being my guest,” he continued in a smooth voice, touching my leg briefly, like he might flirt with someone at a bar and not someone he had kidnapped. “How did you sleep?”

“Like you drugged me,” I hissed.

I’d heard he was ill-tempered, but he didn’t lash out at my smart response. He just sighed.

“That was a necessity and won’t happen again. I prefer to keep my guests willingly,” he said with the same hum to his tone.
