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He roared with laughter, sitting on top of my thighs. I sighed, and he leaned closer to me.

He remained noticeably quiet, as though he was pondering his next move. But it wasn’t the lack of noise that bothered me, it was when his mouth and nose sat on my neck. His warm breath was now firmly on my throat.

I shivered and squirmed away from him.

No answer from Kane or Seb. I internally sighed.

He groaned as he inhaled and I knew then he was smelling my skin and probably the blood just underneath.

“Your fragrance is making me hard,” he said, rubbing his hard erection into my belly. Though he didn’t have to do that, I’d already felt it as he sat on my thighs. But now he was telling me, not hiding it.

He’s turned on, shit he is going to bite my neck and suck me dry.

I tried to stretch my thumb to my finger and sighed.

“Carter, Jack, Blake, Please... Please, I need your help. The king of the vamps has kidnapped me. I need help. Call Clay—anything.”

“Luckily for you, you are too valuable to just take without your wish,” he said.

I gasped loudly, and he rumbled a laugh.

“Maybe your fear was making your blood smell sweeter,” he said.

“You’re probably right. I’m sure it normally tastes bitter and horrid,” I said.

“I’m sure you are mistaken,” he purred, running his nose over mine. His mouth was only millimetres away from mine. “Like I said before, it smells divine.”

“Why have you blindfolded and shackled me?”

“You already know the answer to that,” he whispered in my ear. “Your magic needs your hands and your eyes, and I won’t succumb to that again.”

“I really don’t know what you want from me,” I said. “Why don’t you let me go and we can talk about this?”

“Miss Summer, I underestimated you once before. I’m not a fool, so please don’t expect me to fall for your ways again.”

“I was hoping we could talk like two adults and not as an abductor and his victim.” I knew I was wasting my time, but I had to try.

“You’re hardly a victim, Miss Summer.” His voice was softer than before. Hopefully now he was coming around to being civilised and not tie me up and...

What exactly?

“I’m blindfolded and bound to your bed. That is not two adults having a fair conversation.”

He chuckled. Somewhere in his twisted little mind, he thought he was being funny. “It isn’t, but I’m going to keep you tied up for a little longer.” His warm breath got closer to my face again, and his chuckle turned more sinister. “I quite like you like this. Maybe I’ll keep you here a while.”

I pursed my lips in annoyance, but my emotion turned to fear when I realised at that moment my knights hadn’t tuned into me. I blew out a breath at the same time as two needles scraped my skin, but I knew it wasn’t needles that gave my heart an ectopic episode, it was two sharp fangs that had run slowly over my neck—right at the place he said was his most favourite of all.

Catching a ragged breath, trying to tame my body from the shaking within.

“Are you there?”I whispered to the dark king. I never called him the dark king whenever I called for him. He seemed to know when it was him I talked to. Not that I’d spoken to him in a while.

I wanted to look at Maxim’s face, but I couldn’t because of the blindfold. Instead, I had to feel for a sign to determine if it was him, but he didn’t flinch.

“Yes, Lacey. Are you wanting to talk again?”

“Oh, you’re there, it’s not you.”

“What is wrong?”the dark king asked.
