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I needed to deal with the failing spell, and fast.

I had to kill the dark king.

I tiptoed down the stairs to not wake anyone in the house. Seeing six empty bottles of beer sat on the kitchen worktop. Seb had been so pissed with me, he drank to make himself better. I had expected him to come bounding into my room for a chat, but he’d found his answer in a beer instead.

I filled a glass full of water from the tap and looked at the sky again. Had he flown past my window? Was he always there?

I kissed him, but now I knew I needed to kill him.

How could I? I knew it would pain me the day he died, but he wanted me, not my baby, and I couldn’t leave her for any mate bond.

I didn’t want to feel it. I didn’t want to make the choice.

I strolled into the living room and one foot hovered in the air as I broke my tracks. Blake was sound asleep on the sofa, and I crept high on my toes, trying to stay as quiet as possible. Another beer bottle stood on the coffee table to the right. Smiling that they weren’t all Seb’s and I wouldn’t be dealing with a grumpy, hungover Seb in a few hours.

I grazed my hand over Blake’s clothes. He’d folded them on the chair of where I was about to sit. Clean dress shoes lined together. He was very smart, like the doctor he would become. I suppose that’s the life he wanted to give me, honest and wholesome.

Slowly, I lifted his clothes to the table, and I lowered myself onto the single recliner, trying my hardest not to make a sound. I crossed one leg over the other and lifted the glass to my mouth and took a sip of water. My eyes flickered to Blake’s sleeping face, his parted lips as they took in quiet shallow breaths and the more I looked at him, thought of him, imagining the life that he offered—I could have it—the world away from the one I lived.

His muscular arm moved to the outside of the duvet, and I tilted my head as I watched him move, and realised his mere presence set my body ablaze. A rustle to my left stopped all thoughts of Blake, and I turned and smiled as Seb grinned at me. He crept to my front, kneeling in front of me.

“I’m sorry for not listening to you,” he whispered. His hands ran up my thighs, stopping at my pyjama shorts. “I’m an insensitive idiot sometimes.”

“You are,” I whispered and smiled at him.

His head dropped onto my thigh. “Sorry,” he whispered.

My hand rested on his head, sliding my fingertips over his face. “Me too,” I said.

Seb’s eyes shot into his forehead. “Lacey, he saved you. I should thank him not get jealous. You’re still here with me.”

Why is that?

I wanted to ask Seb the question, but I would leave it for another time because I knew Seb thought about it, regardless of what he was saying.

His hand moved inside my shorts, his thumb grazed my clit, and I sighed. “Nice,” he said, and I mumbled as my head reared and dropped against the chair.

He took the glass from my hand, placing it somewhere. I didn’t look.

His thumb still circled my clit as his other hand caressed up my thigh again. “Take your shorts off,” he whispered.

“No, Blake will wake up.”

“He had too many beers. He won’t wake until he sleeps them off.”

“Seb, we’ll go to bed.”

“I’m trying to say sorry.”

I smiled. “You just did.”

His fingers hooked over my shorts and yanked them over my bum and pulling them down my legs. I kicked them over my feet and looked at Seb.

He gave me a crooked smile as his lip turned up on one side. His mouth touched my knee with the gentlest of touches. With his tongue running up my thighs, the heat in my core was burning with need.

Seb knew exactly what I needed.He always did.His thumbs moved my folds as he blew against my clit and I shuddered and tried to withhold the whimper lying at the back of my throat. He gave one long lick along the length of my slit, my head dropped against the headrest again, the pleasure ignited from his tongue and tingled every nerve in my body and I tried to keep my gasps quiet but it was getting harder and as his tongue thrust inside me.

I moaned into the back of my hand, biting the back of my wrist. He continued moving in and out with his stiffened tongue and my legs shook and my body jerked.
