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A growling cry thundered across the sky, and the last two dragons retreated.

The four of us turned to the sound of the roar. Seeing more dragons lined up.

“Get out of the way, Seb. Run,” Lacey said.

“She said for us to get out of here,” I yelled and got to my feet. We began a slow retreat, rather than fast, around the bushes and once we were in a safe place, the four of us stared at Lacey as she stood proud and defiant against the edge of the glass she had taken out. Her hands were ready, her eyes still glowing, and she never took her eyes from at least twenty dragons that closed in on her. This time they weren’t in single file formation, they were wing tip to wing tip and flying directly toward her.

“What is she going to do?” Kane asked.

“She already knows, otherwise she wouldn’t have asked us to move,” Blake replied.

None of us took our eyes off her as she enticed them closer and closer. Her hands rose at a forty-five-degree angle from her shoulders. I glanced backward to the dragons, and they slowed—anticipating.

A firebomb blasted from a dragon on the left, a swirling red and orange luminosity of stone. Her hands lowered, and she circled one around and somehow took charge of the floating bomb. My heart left my rib cage and was in my mouth, but I laughed the moment she fired it back, taking out two of the dragons as they crashed to the ground.

The roar came again, but this time she didn’t watch them. Her hands and eyes cast a shimmer over the entire area. The dragons zoomed forward. They were going to stop her. She joined her middle fingers and thumbs together, cast them towards the sky and the glimmering light above us and then I realised why she had asked us to move when enough water gushed out of the sky to sail Noah’s Ark and all but one dragon abruptly stopped.

The largest one hastened forward, but the others seemed to sigh and swooped down and flew until they were away from the downpour she’d created.

The head dragon continued flying directly to her and Kane was about to get onto his feet, but Blake dragged him down go the ground.

“He is going to admit defeat,” Blake hissed. “They are surprisingly humble.”

It seemed Blake knew more about them than any of us had realised. But his words didn’t convince me, and I made my way to the sodden place we had previously sat, arriving at the same time as the soaked dragon.

The dragon sniffed in the air as he stared at Lacey, but she didn’t drop her guard, and she didn’t allow her golden gaze to leave his. He bowed his head gently and smiled.

“You outwitted me, well done,” he said.

“Thank you for testing me,” she said. “I take it you’re the dragon prince.”

“I am one of them. Good day and until we meet again,” he said, his voice was a deep baritone that filled the surrounding air.

“If you try to kill me again, I won’t be so kind,” Lacey said.

I laughed.

He laughed. “That was kind?” He turned, about to fly away. “Oh, Aurora Lace,” he said, and her eyes narrowed at his. He inclined his head to one side and smiled at her again. “What makes you assume I wish to kill you?”

Lacey smirked. “Oh, sorry, was that how you try to woo somebody?”

He grinned. “I will see you later.”

“Much later, I hope,” she replied, narrowing her eyes at his choice of words.

He said nothing back but cocked an eyebrow and one side of his mouth curled up in a knowing way. He dipped his head once more and swooped downwards, skating the bushes right above my head, disappearing like a blip in the air.

Chapter 3


“Wow,”Zenasaid.“Whowas he?”

“The man I turned down for the Elysium Ball. The dragon prince,” I said.

“I thought you said he wasn’t that nice looking in his dragon form. He looked super hot to me,” Zena said as she flapped her hand over her face.

“Aren’t you supposed to protect me from the likes of him?” I said, lifting an eyebrow.
