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And finding out how much Clay would do for Lacey, including leaving her to protect her. Not sure I could do that with Aria. She was my world, as was Lacey. But then Aria wasn’t the lost goddess and there were no gods making a stake on her the day of her birth.

“She’s doing this for you,” I said to Aria, who was gazing at me and her golden eyes sparkled the same way Lacey’s did. She giggled, and I smiled at her.

“Let’s get to the park safely,” I said as I pulled away from the security of Clay’s and Lacey’s homes.

The park was slap bang in the very centre of the town. A large rectangle of lush greenery and oak trees surrounded the entire perimeter instead of a fence.

I met Clay and Yuri at the car park. Yuri was Clay’s most trusted bodyguard. After helping with the pram. I held onto Aria as we walked around the large landscaped area, letting her see the birds and everything else around her.

“No Lacey,” Clay said, his lips pursed as he looked very disappointed his daughter wasn’t with me.

“She and Seb are having some time together,” I said. Not wanting to admit they were actually going to bind.

Clay wanted all binds to be in his home, under magical protection, but Lacey preferred the magic I created. The barrier to prevent the dark king, or anyone else for that matter, to understand what she was doing or even thinking.

Clay stopped. “Let me have hold of you,” he said to Aria, who giggled at him. She held out her arms because she loved to be cuddled.

Aria’s little fingers instantly went to his yellow tie. She ran it through her fingers, enthralled by the material.

Clay always surprised me when he picked her up. He dressed like a city slicker. The man never seemed to ever casually dress. But now he was carrying a baby wearing a suit that probably cost more than most people earned in three months. Even his yellow tie was pure silk. I felt quite underdressed in my black jeans and matching jumper. But I knew Lacey liked me wearing these.

“She likes your tie,” I said.

He smiled. “When Lacey was little, she used to love yellow, so I always wore a yellow tie for her. Now I wear it for Aria,” he said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

We continued walking and talking for another hour. I sat on a swing with Aria. She giggled as we moved back and forth. Tiredness finally caught up with her and I placed her down in her pram for a nap.

“I need to talk to you Kane, follow me home, and we can have the chat before dinner,” Clay said.

I nodded because I would never refuse Clay, though he never tried to be intimidating. He had an air of authority, which had been more than clear as we walked around the park. Although Lacey was now Queen, Clay still held the respect of the kingdom. Whereas, when people looked at Lacey, it was more in awe. Though that was most probably because of the rumours of what she did at her ceremony scattered around the town as fast as a tornado hit and destroyed every myth in its path.

I sat opposite Clay in his office after I laid Aria in the cot he had brought in for her. I smiled and waited, hoping whatever he had to say wouldn’t be hard.

“I’ve found out more information on the lost goddess,” he said, and I gulped. “You weren’t her only fated mate. But we still haven’t got confirmation that the dark king is a true fated mate or if he just wants her.”

I chewed on my lower lip as I wondered how much I should admit to knowing.

“But my belief is that he is. He knew the moment she was born,” Clay said and rose from his chair and wandered to the window and slowly turned back to me. “Do you know who you are?”

I nodded.

“How long have you known?” he asked.

“Honestly, I knew something connected me to Lacey the entire time. From as far back as the day I fought her, and there was a pull from me to her, but didn’t understand it. But once we bound, I knew then because I had flashes of the past. But I wasn’t sure if they were real.”

Clay nodded. “Do you know the others?”

“I do,” I said, and hoped I wouldn’t trouble Lacey admitting this to Clay. “Seb and Blake are the only two I remember. And Jack was in the first life, but none of the others.”

Clay nodded. “And you were all angels? Her protectors?” he asked, but he obviously already knew the answer. What I didn’t know was if he knew about Seb being the one who always took her life.

“Yes,” I answered. “Seb and I were in her first life. Blake joined us later.”

“Seb’s binding to her today,” he said. I knew it wasn’t a question, and I wondered how the man could do it.

“Do you have cameras in the house?” I asked.

Clay smiled. “There is a bind between my daughter and I, it is unique. It is the same bind you will develop with Aria. That was how I spoke to her the day of the demon arriving. She thought it was Dan, but if she listened to my words more carefully. She would have realised it was me.”
