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After feeling as if I’d emptied my soul within her, I damn near collapsed on top of her. Not wanting to cause her pain, but barely able to function, I rolled over. She whimpered when I slipped free of her heat, and I pulled her against me, where she curled into my side and laid her head over my pounding heart.

“What the hell was that?” she asked as her fingers traced the tattoos on my chest. She still sounded slightly winded.

“That was you being mine,” I replied before kissing her on the head. She was perfectly molded to my side, and I reveled in it.

She gave a snorting laugh, and I held her tighter for a moment.

“So what kind of tattoo do I have to get? Can it be cool at least? And where does it have to be?” Her questions hit one after the other, and I debated if I should tell her exactly what she had to get or if I should just get it done and ask for forgiveness.

Flipping her long blonde hair to the side, I trailed my fingers over the sensitive nape of her neck to the base where it connected to her soft shoulders. “Here.”

“On my neck? But people will see it!” She raised her head to look at me in wide-eyed disbelief. The curtain of silky hair fell to tickle across my shoulder and arm.

“That’s the whole point, babe. People will see it and know that you’re protected by the Royal Bastards. They’ll know you’re mine.” My fingers sifted through her hair as I avoided a deeper discussion on the matter.

“Do I get a say so in what it is?”

I sighed. “Sort of.”


“My road name is Voodoo. I was thinking a Mardi Gras mask.” There was more, but I wasn’t sure she’d go for it if I told her.

“That sounds like it would be pretty,” she said with a shy smile.

“It will be. I promise.”

She was silent for a minute.

“Okay. So when do we do this?” My eyes shot to hers. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised that she was so readily agreeing.

“So that’s a yes? You’re in? There’s no backing out.” I clutched the hair at the back of her head, holding her to look me in the eye. I needed to ensure she was paying attention to me. She needed to understand that if she became my ol’ lady, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her and no going back. Whatever shit came our way, I would do my very best to protect her from it. Whatever ups and downs we had, we took them together.

She rested her chin on her hand over my heart. “It might make me seem a little off my rocker, but when I’m with you it feels… right. Like this is meant to be. Even though I barely know you.”

She had no idea.

“Besides, even if this goes to shit, it’s still a cool tattoo that I could handle having without you,” she reasoned. There wouldn’t be a without me, but I kept quiet.

“Do you feel safe with me?”

“Yes.” Her answer was firm. No hesitation.

“How long have you known me?”

“Almost a year. Well, about nine months. Since you got Zaka.”

“Shit. Be right back.” She’d reminded me that I’d left the dogs outside while we’d talked. Well, we had talked first and then I’d poured my emotions out to her in the only way I knew how. I wasn’t always great with words.

Unashamedly naked, I climbed out of bed, made my way through the house, and opened the inner doggie door. The pups darted in the minute I opened it. Zaka had probably been lying outside the door since he sensed my minor breakdown.

“Hey, kids. Should we go see if Mom is hungry?” I asked the two dogs as they sat obediently listening to me. Rewarding them, I gave them each a treat. Calling her “Mom” to the fucking dogs had slipped out, but I was again hit with the desire to see her pregnant with my kid.

“Fuck,” I muttered. I’d never been so twisted up by a chick. Then again, my visions had shown me that she was the one. The problem was, if I didn’t figure out a way to ensure her safety, I was going to lose her.

The entire way back to the room, the dogs shadowed me, nails clicking on the tiles. Once we hit the room, they took off. There was no time to call them back, because right when they launched, I saw she was sleeping.
