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“Like now?” she squeaked and jumped a little, causing her thigh to press harder against my dick.

Stifling a groan, I tapped on my phone screen to see the time. Then I looked at her. “Yeah. Like now.”

“Fuck. Ogun. This is so fast. It’s a little scary.”

“Maybe. But I’m not one to beat around the bush. I tried, but the last several months drove me insane. Every time I saw you, I wanted to bend you over and fuck you until you couldn’t see straight. When I realized I wasn’t thinking of other women, and….” I sighed, because I wanted to tell her about my vision, but I wasn’t sure if it was the time.

“Ogun, I’ve thought you were hot as Hades since the first time you stepped into the clinic with Zaka. But I’m a new vet, and I didn’t want to jeopardize that by having inappropriate thoughts about, or relations with, a client.” She gave a teasing grin, which faded as she saw the seriousness on my face. My grip on her neck tightened possessively.

“Something happened that told me you were the one, and I realized I didn’t want to wait. I’m sorry you aren’t getting the flowers, pretty words, dates, and you know—all that sappy shit girls like. But this is me telling you that as long as you’re mine, I’ll protect you with everything in me. I’ll be faithful to you and only you. I’ll worship your body and your mind. I’m a hard man, but I love just as hard.” It was the closest I’d come to admitting the feelings that stirred in the depths of my soul for her.

“Damn, sometimes you say things that take my breath away and I realize you’re so much more than a pretty face.” With a smirk, she kissed the tip of my nose, and I smacked the part of her ass that reached out past my thigh.

“You’re goddamn right, I’m more than a pretty face.” I dove into her neck, rubbing my stubble against her tender skin, causing her to giggle and squeal. Then I sent a text to Chains.

He replied within seconds.

Chains: I’m at the shop cleaning up but I’ll wait for you if you wanna come over

Me: Be there ASAP

Chains: Roger that

“Let’s go.” I swatted her ass again.

Biting her lip, she raised a brow and nuzzled me with her nose. “You keep doing that, and we aren’t going anywhere.” The whispered words tickled against my ear and half had me canceling with Chains. Instead, I tapped her shoulder with a finger.

“Get dressed,” I instructed her. “I’ll take care of the dishes. Wear something comfy.”

“Yes, sir,” she snarked with a sexy curl of her lips.

“Woman. Don’t test my limits. You’re going to have me breaking all kinds of speed limits on the way there if you don’t stop that shit.”

“Why would you have to speed because of that?” she asked with a laugh.

“Because I’ll lay you on this table and shove my fat dick in that pussy until your eyes roll. That will take a few minutes we don’t have right now.” My hand squeezed the luscious globe of her ass I’d been abusing. The purr that rolled off her tongue told me she’d let me too.

“You sure we have to go tonight?” Hunger filled her eyes as she leaned back to look at me.

“Get dressed.”

“Okay.” With one last smirk, she got up and headed to my room. Blazing heat surging through me, I watched the way my shirt showed the movement of her ass as she walked away.

Fucking hell, she was going to kill me with that body—but what a way to go.

Making quick work of the dishes, I returned to the bedroom to find her in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She had on those sexy legging things and a shirt that fell off one shoulder.

With images in my head of the ink she’d soon have, I dressed, shoved my gun in the holster, and grabbed my wallet and keys.

“You ready?” I asked as she came out of the master bath.

She inhaled deeply, then blew it out in a huff. “I guess so.”

When she wrinkled her nose as she slipped on a pair of Vans, I couldn’t help myself. Framing her face, I made her look at me. “You realize this is just a technicality, right? You’re already mine, but I want there to be no question.”

The pink of her tongue snuck out as she wet her lips and nodded. I swooped in for one last kiss.

“Zaka. Guard.” His ears perked up, but his head remained on his paws. Sasha was laid out on her side with her back against his. They’d obviously worn each other out while Kira and I had been busy earlier.
